Reaction to her note

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****Logan's POV****(Lindsey's younger brother; the alpha)

"Alpha Lindsey ran away!" my beta Jason informed me as he barged into my office.

"What do you mean she ran away?" I questioned ignoring the fact that he came into my office without asking for permission.

"Well Susan wanted her and she sent us to look for her since she couldn't find her. So, I send some guards to go look for her in the woods, and I looked around the house. And when I got to her room she wasnt there, but there was a note on her bed." he finished while handing me the note.

I unfolded the piece of paper and read,

Dear whoever is reading this,

Im sorry im such a failure, but im also sorry you guys were horrible pack members. All you guys saw after my brothers death was your pain but none of you ever considered my pain of loosing my twin brother I loved him. Anyways just want to let you guys know I hate you guys. As for my mate thank you for rejecting me. Your rejection made me realize that I needed to escape this hell. Well thanks to you I am I hope you live a lovely life with Susan and enjoy your time while it lasts because one day I will be back for REVENGE. Good bye bitches.



Oh my god she did run away. No she couldn't have she's to weak, but if she did she will probably die soon she cant prtotect herself. She truly is pathetic. No wonder my dad gave me the alpha title and not her even though im younger than her by two years.

"Alpha what would you like me to do?" asked Jason interrupting my thoughts.

"Get my family and tell them to come to my office and thats its urgent."

"Ok ill go get them." Jason said as he made his way out of my office.

I still cant believe it haha shes finally gone.

**knock knock**

"Come in." I told my family as they knocked. 

"Did you ask for us Logan?" asked my father.

"Yes well you see Jason was looking for Lindsey and he found a note in her room. And her note says that she ran away." I explained.

"Well I'm glad she is but she will die soon shes to weak and pathetic to make it. But why would she leave now?" my mother spoke.

"It says on the note that she was rejected." I answered.

"Well who wouldnt I mean did you guys see her shes ugly fat weak and pathetic!" my younger sister Gaby said.

"Hey guys would you stop speaking bad about our sister and look for her I dont understand why you guys treat her so badly its not her fault that Ben died they were both small if it was anyones fault it our parents for not looking out for them." yelled my youngest brother Danny.

We all turned to look at him weirdly like he had grown two heads. We were all to shocked to respond immediately, but I guess it made sense he had always stood quietly to the side as everyone else bullied and insulted Lindsey.

"What did you just say? are you now blaming Ben's death on us?" my mother yelled after getting over the shock of Danny's outburst.

"Im not blaming you guys because im not like you guys who blamed the death of a child on another child who was to small to even comprehend what was going on in the first place!" Danny once again yelled.

My mother's hand instantly flew up and slapped Danny, leaving red fingerprints on his left cheek. "Go to your room now Daniel! " yelled my mother.

Danny quickly ran out of the room. " Well what do we do?" I asked.

" There is nothing to do but let her leave her out there it was her choice." my father said making his way towards the door. Followed by my mother and sister.

Okay I guess I will leave her. Since I cant do anything but wait.





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