PM between Luna and Zack

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L: Ego much now? 😁
Z: So you do think the Isle of Sheppey will name after me when I win the IWGP Heavyweight Championship?
L: I'll name a plant after you if you win
Z: If? No, it's when I win
L: Seriously 😑 you definitely aren't getting a pothole named after you
Z: Meanie. Does the plant still get named after me?
L: Don't know now. Can you just stop with it? It's getting annoying
Z: But.... fine. When's your flight getting in?
L: Tomorrow around noon I think. Why?
Z: Just wanted to
L: What are you up to?
Z: What? Can't ask my lovely girlfriend when her flight comes in? Rude
L: You can but I know you and you're up to something
Z: nooooo
L: yessss
Z: Whatever you think

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