An actual chapter

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Zack/Lucas' POV
I can't believe it. I can't win the G1. I lose to Kenny. The three count. ARGH. I lose it. I shove the ref. Kick and throw the guard rail. Thrown tables. Scream and yell my frustrations of this tournament out right now. Taka is trying to console me but keeping his distance.
I walk to the back where I have to do my backstage comments.

All I could say was I'm out and just laid on the ground with Taka talking for me. We got up and I left without saying a word. I'm out of the G1 and it dawn out which made me more upset.

I get back to the Suzuki Gun locker room and start throwing stuff. Despy and Suzuki are trying to control me but I can't right now. Plus I don't see Luna anywhere. Just great. Once Taka, Despy and Suzuki see they can't control me. They rushed out the room. Probably to get help. I'm just throwing whatever I can and kicking it while yelling.

Luna's POV
I see that Kenny got the three count and that look in Lucas' face. I'm heartbroken cause I know how much this means to him. I get up to go to the bathroom which helps that's being in the locker room now. I do what I have to do. Clean my hands. Once I turn the tap off and dry my hands. I can hear someone yelling and stuff being thrown and broken. I open the door and see it's Lucas. I'm speechless. This isn't the Lucas I know and love. I screamed when something breaks around me and Lucas turns around and sees me. Instantly his mood changes.

"Luna. Shit. Don't move." Lucas said walking closer to me. I took a step back with each step he took forward.

"Luna please. You know of all people, I wouldn't hurt you or the baby." Lucas said with tears on his face but filled with guilt.

"Lucas just stay where you are." I said carefully walking around the broken item but away from Lucas.

"Luna, I'm not him. Why would I hurt you when I love you too much? I've waited years to get you in my arms. Please I'm begging you. Please forgive me. Please." Lucas begged crying on his knees. I know Lucas wouldn't hurt me or the baby. He sits on the couch burying his head crying. I walk over and hug him.

"Hey I know, you aren't like him and how long you waited. But I know how much this tournament means to you and how hard you work. And I'm sorry this happened. I get what that match meant and I'm sorry. But you will prevail and get to where need to be." I said lifting his face and seeing the sadness in his eyes.

"Luna. I'm just frustrated. What if NJPW don't see me as one of their guys? What if?" That's when I cut in.

"Stop right there. They see you as a star. You won the New Japan Cup which is a big deal. Maybe they have something else in plan for you. I get the frustration. I've dealt with it in Mexico and the States and even at home. But you can't let it get to you. Lucas, you need to stay strong. If not for you or me. Do it for our child at least." I told him. He nods and hugs me.

"I don't know how I deserve you or our child. I'm grateful for you two. I need to apologise to the rest of Suzuki Gun and clean this room up." Lucas said while I hummed agreeing with him. I get Suzuki, Despy and Taka.

"I'm sorry for the way I just acted. I nearly hurt Luna which could have harm the baby. It was wrong of me and I shouldn't have acted like that. I'll clean this room up to the best of my ability. Don't help me, I don't deserve it." Lucas apologised. Taka and Despy accepted his apology. Suzuki looked at me and nod.

(Sorry I don't how to write this in Japanese, so I keeping it in English. I'm trying to learn how to speak Japanese for a future trip there.)

"Lucas. I get it. We get mad and frustration with this world. I can tell Luna has got through it. I have definitely. Taka, Despy have. You need to control that angry and frustration and put into your character and use it in your submissions and matches. Not here.

Luna has definitely said something to you to calm you down. She's a smart girl whose carrying your baby. Remember everything happens for a reason." Suzuki said to Lucas. I look at him with my 'I told you so' look. He rolls his eyes at me. Suzuki taps the back of his head.

"Oi. Don't roll your eyes at her when she's right." Suzuki said while I smirk. Despy and Taka check on me but mainly the baby while Lucas starts cleaning. I packed my bag and look around the room. After Lucas finishing cleaning and tidying up. We go back to the hotel.

Lucas' POV
Me and Luna get back to our hotel room. She changes to her pjs which is one of my shirts (once again) and a pair of shorts that can fit her. She lays on the bed. I lay next to her and rest one of my hands on her belly. It feels weird that she's growing a belly but amazing at the same time knowing the baby is mine.
"Lucas. Feeling so what better?"

"Yea. It sucks but what can I do about it. Are you okay?" I looked up at her. She lets out a sigh.

"I'm fine Lucas but you scared me. I'm surprised Suzuki didn't kick your ass."

"You and me both. I'm bored, how Netflix and Chill? I'll order the food and you pick everything we watch" I offered.

"Is this your way of an apology to me for earlier?"


"Good. Now get the food, I'm hungry again. Make sure you order double for me cause we'll you know." She said nodding to her belly as she set up the Netflix. After the food arrived and there was a lot mainly for Luna. She decided on a bunch of movies starting from The Kissing Booth (love this movie) to What to expect when you're expecting as a joke to us. Lucky for me, I got one movie in which is surprising. But who cares. Got my girl, a good career in wrestling, a healthy baby, great friends and family and a zoo back home aka our pets or what Luna, Effy and Deonna like to say fur babies.

Only Luna can turn what I think is a bad night to a good night in a heartbeat. So did Kenny really win? Nope.

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