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zacksabrejr Off to fix Brexit now📸 @beyondgorilla

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zacksabrejr Off to fix Brexit now
📸 @beyondgorilla

willospreay you can't run away forever
lunasabre @willospreay leave my husband alone. I've seen you run away like a little bitch before
willospreay @lunasabre you can't tell that you will stand before his actions even if you're married to him and the mother of his child
zacksabrejr @willospreay if I was you Will, I'll be careful with what you say. That's my wife and son you're talking about.
lunasabre @willospreay I might not always agree with what my husband does but I will always stand by him like he does for me. So the next time you bring my son involved into anything, you better think or I'll have no problem like my brother kicking your arse all over England.
martyscurll Thank goodness I moved
jimmy_havoc I'm excited to see my lil sis beat up Will
beapriestley @lunasabre if you try to even hit my partner, I'm going to make you regret it. Maybe you are PERFECT for Suzuki Gun
lunasabre @beapriestley I'm not scare of you either sweetie
zacksabrejr @beapriestley yea @lunasabre would be perfect for Suzuki Gun because unlike CHAOS, we're a cohesive group who act like one
deonnapurrazzo @therealeffyhardy our hands are full now during a certain week. @beapriestley be careful about what you say about my nephew
therealeffyhardy @deonnapurrazzo come on Deonna, of course we'll cheering for our girl. @beapriestley be careful when you play with fire
dbsmithjr Zack, I'll always from now going to be on your wife's good side now
zacksabrejr @dbsmithjr probably the smartest thing you've done this year 😂
noamdar Why do I always come on when there's drama hmm Luna in Suzuki Gun? Well said Zack

lunasabre and 8,283 others liked

Zack/Lucas Sr's POV
After putting Jr to bed and seeing the comments on my Instagram, I'm dealing with a crying Luna.
"Don't listen to them love. Will and Bea are jealous of us. They know they can't be us. Yes bring Jr into this was too much but I'll deal with Will when I get to." I said hugging my crying wife. I hate seeing her like this, she's the strongest woman besides my mum I know but seeing her like this hurts me.

"Why does everyone have to bring Junior into stuff. He's just a baby. He doesn't deserve any of this. I thought we were friends with them. I get being champion, I've definitely got myself DQ on purpose but doesn't mean Junior has to bought in it." She said crying into me. I sigh. She's right about Junior. I'm sick of everyone trying to use Junior as a way to attack us. He's just a baby. I left up her head to look at me.

"Look at me. You're stronger than both of them combined. Will and Bea are just acting like dickheads. You and me are a stronger team than them. We have fight them, we will and we will win because our bond is something that can't be broken. I love you and always will but don't let anyone get to you. Yes, you're coming back and you did in the only way I know you can by winning another tournament. The next time someone has the nerve to bring up our son, I'm going to turn them into a pretzel." I said looking at her. The look in her eyes is the look I'm trying to protect her from but Will and Bea. Just had to go there, pathetic of them.

"Come on love. I know how to cheer you up." I said. She wiped her tears with her sleeve and looked up.
"Yea how? She asked trying to sound cheery.
"But this" I said starting to tickle her.
"LUCAS HAHAHA STOP HAHAHA PLEASE HAHAHA LUCAS HAHAHA" She giggled making us fall off the couch.
"Nope" I laughed.
"Lucas please Hahahaha I hahaha love hahaha you" She said.
"Not the right words but I love you too." I said smirking.
"I'm haha not hahaha saying hahaha it" She said laughing.
"Life would be easier." I said. I felt something wrap around my waist and next I know is I'm laying on the ground.
"Oh no honey, looks like you stuck." She smiled like  she does when she's up to mischief.
"Luna I love you but" she interrupted me by kissing me. I kissed back. Then I hear three slaps to the ground.
"I guess I win." She said releasing the kiss.
"You cheated." I said.
"Well I did forget to give you a kiss on New Years and before and after your matches." She argued her point.
"But..... that's my girl. Feel better now?" I asked sitting up with Luna on my lap.
"Yep and thank you." She said kissing me again quickly. She got up and started walking back.
"Where are you going now?" I asked.
"WELL I DO NEED TO SHOWER" she said. I leap to my feet and said this since this is the first time we've spend time together alone this year

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