Fight But yk its kinda cute at the end i guess

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[[a/n : I never finished this... I got lazy ok...also I suck at being mad so yk... it goes from writing to straight up dialog

"Why can't you listen to a single thing I say ?!" Hailey pressed the ball of her hand against her temples trying to aide the pain spiraling through her head. She was sick and tired of the constant headaches pounding away at her thoughts as her heartache chipped her energy down to nothing. She had a sudden aching heaviness wash over her chest as a small part of her realized this fight would be the end, yet she couldn't hold back. Every word that left Hayes' mouth was a challenge to tear him down again. And he loved playing this game because he always won. Always

"Well maybe if you did something other than whine I would listen!" Hayes groaned his voice low and growling, warning her. He jerked his head back to his phone , his expressions were tightened. His muscles quivered within him as thoughts flooded his mind. He knew he was wrong but he was living for the fights. The yelling, the screaming... the broken mirror...the bloody fists and hole in the wall... the anger was the only thing keeping him alive at this point. Hayes was completely lost and replaced with a demon of a boy. He didn't feel anymore...well more like he felt too much all at once to where he shut down. He got frustrated and looked for new escapes from the pain that was slowly swallowing him alive. These fights with Hailey was all he had now...

"Okay but I have a right to be upset hayes! "the pillow in Haileys hand went from swinging around the air as she threw her arms about to hitting Hayes directly on his face. He veins started to pulse and twitch as that popped out of his arms and neck. He Stood up his body moving sharp as his breaths became heavier and more distinct. Haileys face was flushed in a dark crimson red as her nostrils flared. She couldn't handle him anymore. All she wanted to do was break that pretty little jaw of his. She met Hayes' eyes for the first time in months, they were like ice cold daggers digging into her heart and twisting. There was no emotion in his eyes anymore, but even the smallest ember to light in him. Her shoulders shrank the heaviness taking over . She really lost him. She saw his eyes but it wasn't him. They were once so bright blue and colorful but the boy she just saw was a cold hard gray.

" fine! That's why I'm sitting here dealing with your shit again what more can you ask"-hayes

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you even listening to me Hayes"-hailey

"You're so fucking pathetic Hailey! Shut up! Just...shut up!... fuck you cant be seriously you're seriously gonna start crying now"-hayes

" I can't do this anymore! Not with you..." -hailey

"Then leave! You know where the fucking door is! Get the hell out of my house Hailey!" Hayes tossed his favorite hoodie at Hailey as she swung open his front door "For fucks sake hails it's 40 degrees outside put on a fucking jacket." -hayes

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