Chapter 2: Knowing your fate is important (Lizzie)

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CHAPTER 2: (Lizzie's POV)

Sitting in the silence of the spare room was helping me to regain my sanity. The past month had been a struggle through the worst parts of my life and the best. From saying goodbye to the one I loved frever to being wanted and told that I had people that wanted me in their lives and that would greive over me when I am gone. The slow tick of the clock reminded me that my time in this world, with these people was ticking away. I had a job to do and I was determined to do it. I heard Meghan shuffling around downstairs trying to make sure that I was well protected from the peacekeepers even though I knew that at the back of my mind that they would find me. I heard the old wooden door creak open and close and then the low voice of a male flooded the house that enclosed me in reality. Joey was here. My mind flashed back to what happened yesterday and I shuddered I knew he was just angry but the fact that he wanted to hurt me stabbed me in the place which I withheld my trust. No one could force me to trust him again, he had to earn it. He tried everything but it was the conversation we had whilst we were alone that got me alone. It was almost as if Meghan had planned for her to be out whilst me and Joey were both in the house. 

I walked into the main room but paused by the door. I was going to turn around and leave but Joey loked up from editing the video and saw me. He smiled apologeticaly and beckoned for me to sit down on the sofa opposite him. I can barely call it a sofa, it was more like a wooden bench. Joey put down his ancient laptop and rested his elbows on his knees. He leaned forward and looked straight into my eyes. I felt uncormfortable at first but I eased into it and stared to glare at him back. Wrecking the connection, Joey leaned back a little and sighed. "Lizzie, I know what I did was wrong and to think that you endured that amount of pain to keep me and Meghan together blows my mind, You inspired me Lizzie, I now live by what you told me in the arena and to not have your trust tears at me on the inside, Lizzie, Im truly sorry for what I did". Joey said it with such emotion that it sounded like every word he spoke came directly from his heart. I looked at the floor for a minute or two before deciding that he actually meant what he said. Before I could do anything Joey got up to leave. I grabbed his wrist and swung him round. I wrapped my arms around his upper torso and engulfed him in a hug. I heard him breathe out heavily in relief and he started to hug me back but I could feel him holding back on the strength. I hated him thinking I was delicate because I was tougher then I looked but I went with it. When we had, finished the atmosphere was too awkward so we went back to our rooms until there was a viscious force turning on my doorhandle and the sound of crying from downstairs... They were here....

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