Chapter 26

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Meghan's POV

I looked on in shock and horror. Cat erupted from the bushes approaching me with glimmering line of silver in her hands. I backed up as far as I could until I felt the rough bark of a tree against my back. There was no escape. The venom in her eye made me query why she was doing this. I took my chance and shouted it into the sky. 

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, desperately hoping Joey wouldn't come back at this moment, I didn't want him to see me die, I didn't want him to have to suffer through that. I was glad that Lizzie had gone for the time being because I knew that she would've probably risked her life to save mine and I didn't want that to happen.

 She grinned evilly continuing to walk towards me. Knife poised. " you still don't get it do you Meghan?" She said, stopping a few inches away from me. I just looked at her in confusion, too scared to say anything or move. "He was mine Meghan! I loved him but he chose you over me, I went through so much pain putting myself down all the time because he didn't love me, I hated him and you for loving each other because I belong in your position" She screamed at me, now crying hysterically. I found my voice but it came out raspy and unclear "Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped" I asked, trying to reach an understanding with her but she wasn't having it. She looked up with even more poison and her eyebrows were thinned into a deep frown. "Why the fuck would I want your help?" She snarled. She pushed me away from the tree and I fell to the floor. She jumped on top of me with the knife inches away from my chest. I had a terrible flashback to when Annie killed herself in the previous games. I felt tear prick to my eyes and Cat smiled. She loved seeing me in pain. I guessed that it was because she had claimed to have been in pain for a long time. 

"When I kill you Meghan, I will be there for Joey and will realise how great I am and he will love me" She said tracing the shape of a broken heart mockingly on my chest. A deep voice picked up from behind Cat. Oh god please no. "I'm sorry cat" Joey said, coming into view. "But I will never love you" He finished frowning at Cat. She looked broken but she laughed at him. "Well then, you cant love her either" She screamed motioning at me. What happened next was a blur. Cat raised the knife ready to kill me. I closed my eyes preparing for the pain but it never came. Instead the weight of Cat was lifted off my stomach. I opened my eyes to see what was going on but I instantly regretted it. He stumbled backwards and fell to the floor. My heart was torn and strewn over the floor where cat trod over the pieces. The clouds of tears in my eyes obscured my vision of him as I tried to stumble over and grasp his hand that was covered with his blood. 

Cat dropped the bloody knife in front of her in shock at what she had just done and then she vanished into the forest, not being able to bear the idea of watching Joey die.The deepest wound right into the centre of his chest indicated that there was no way we could save him and I had filtered through all the positive outlooks on this situation but there were minimal."Look after Lizzie" He murmured placing his hand to my ear. I could almost feel the same pain in my own chest. His slow but gentle breaths and his rising and falling chest were the only things I wanted to focus on as I heard his sweet voice for the last time "Meghan I'm so sorry, I never wanted to leave you. I never meant to leave you." He spluttered. I crossed my legs and placed my other hand cupped behind his ear. I shushed him and soothed his hand with my thumb. The tears were falling for real, carrying the wonderful memories I had with him, sinking into the soil, never to be seen again. My heart was being repeatedly stabbed by the daggers of fate. "Meghan there was always one question and only one question  have wanted to ask you for the longest time" 

He reached up and stroked my cheek, wiping away the tears with it. "Meghan, I left it too late I am so sorry, I have made you wait so long and now it will never happen" He said, his eyes beginning to droop. My life flashed before my eyes as I panicked. I didn't want him to leave, I never wanted him to leave. I wanted his warm body against mine everyday and I wanted to wake up to his quiet snore but here he was, slowly slipping out of my fingers. I wasn't going to let him go without knowing the question. "Joey, tell me please" I begged lifting his hand to my cheek. He opened his eyes slightly and weakly smiled. "Meghan Camarena" He took his last breath and breathed out the rest of the question in a whisper "will you marry me?" The question hit me in the gut. His eyes closed and the steady beat of his heart faded, the steady beat, the steady beat I would listen to at night. His beautiful green eyes that would never open again. I lay beside him and placed my lips to his ear. "Yes"........

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