Chapter 9: How do I deal with the weight on my shoulders?? (Meghan)

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Ok, so people say, whenever it seems like your life is only black clouds, you need to find the lining of blue sky and stand under that. Let the warmth of the summer sky burn away any of the problems. I found this hard to do when my brother, the love of my life and two of my best friends were in danger of losing their lives. David was trying to be as positive as he could about the subject and making jokes about how he can keep an eye on me now but I saw the way his shoulders and spirit fell when he was chosen to go in the arena. The way he acted after that was so out of character but I decided to never bring it up in case it started something that I didn't need to deal with at that time. It was in my mind that I needed to see Joey and Lizzie before we went into the arena. I needed to have time with them where I could just forget about everything that had gone wrong, forget everything that had screwed my life over and disturbed my life of peace and just getting through the days but now that was a harder task than ever. I was determined to talk to them without the stresses once before we were lead to our death.

The district 12 President's house loomed up in front of me as I took my precarious steps towards his house. My fear wasn't going to get in my way yet. I had to do this, for Joey, for Lizzie. I could feel my legs shaking beneath me as I walked up the steps to the grand front door.. I had never spoken with the president before so I had no idea what he was like and how he would react to me demanding to see these people from other districts. I could hear the knock I had planted on the solid oak door echo through the rest of his house. I hoped to god I wasn't disturbing anything important and that he was in a good mood. The sound of heavy footprints brought me to my senses. I stood up straight making myself presentable. I wipe my clammy hands on my jeans just a I heard the front door click open. The president opened the door and when he opened it he smiled at me. "Meghan!! What a nice surprise" He bellowed shaking my hand. I thanked god that I had wiped them before. "Hello" I said, releasing a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in. He stood back putting his hands on his hips. "What can I do for you Meghan?" He asked me. I fiddled with my fingers, it was now or never. "I came to ask a favour of you" I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes, "I want to see my friends before we go back into the arena, we got separated and I wanted just one last time to see them before we are separated again, possibly forever." He opened his mouth to speak but I butted in, not taking no for an answer I was slowly gaining confidence "I don't care what the regulations of the districts are, I love Joey and he was the only thing that kept me going through everything that I have been through and as for Lizzie, well she is the most amazing person I have ever met and she has risked her life so many times to keep me and Joey alive and together. Please, you are sending me into a death trap to fight against the people I love, this is the least you could do for me." I was breathless by the time I had finished and I could tell that the president was also breathless. He took a step forward and held my hands in his "Meghan, what you just said was so touching that if I didn't give you the opportunity to see these people again I would feel like the worst person in the world" He gave a light chuckle at what he just said and then continued "Because of what you are being forced to do I will go one step further, I will have them meet you in your old district, you know, where all the memories lay" He gave an wink and I smiled I felt my insides start to bubble, I had did it. "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed forgetting about y manners and age, I threw myself at him hugging him tightly. He laughed and asked if there was anything else I wanted. "Actually only a small thing" I started and his attention focused on me again "Could you not tell them that it was me that wanted to see them?" I asked putting my hands in a praying position. He ruffled my hair, "Of course I can, I will get right on that for you and will sort out a mode of transport for you to get to district 6 for tomorrow" I could feel a huge smile creep up my cheeks as I walked back down the steps and started to head back to my home, I had done it, I was going to use the time I had left with them wisely. 

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