Chapter 19: I need you (Lizzie)

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(Lizzie's POV)

We got lost somewhere on the way and I don’t even mean physically. We were lost without the leadership of Joey, the humour of Meghan. We just stumbled clumsily between the trees that dropped unsuspected snowflakes onto the tops of our heads. Mitty looked over at me and clicked her fingers in my face. I was in a daydream about how safe Meghan and Joey were. "Lizzie we need to make a plan of action!" Mitty exclaimed waving her hands around “We can’t just wonder around forever because we will definitely die". I looked blankly at her but then got a idea. It was a silly idea but I wanted to try it "Because Meghan and Joey have all our water and food I want to go back to the cornucopia to see if anything of any use was left" I stated, beginning to retrieve the knife from my belt. "Are you sure?" Mitty asked me, looking at the quickly darkening sky. I nodded and Mitty shrugged. I wanted to do this because it meant we might at least have a chance. "Let’s go then!" She said. I loved her enthusiasm.. I definitely had to do all I could to keep her alive

We set off in search for the Cornucopia. We had to stop a few times to try and listen out for any potential danger but we didn’t run into any problems. I didn’t think we would even be able to survive if we did get involved with any other tributes. We had nothing. No water, no food, no weapons. But the only difference was, I was determined to stay alive, for Meghan and Joey.

Mitty suddenly jumped off the vague path we were following and scaled up a tree. I flinched thinking he had seen another tribute but then clamed as I saw her put her hand out to tell me to calm down "Don’t worry, I am just looking to see if I can get high enough to see how far Corn is from here" She explained. "Clever" I replied and kept a look out for any other tributes. I think it was safe to say that I hadn’t missed the feeling of always being on edge. The feeling that you always tried to conceal, the feeling that deep down you knew you were going to die. Mitty caught my attention by calling to me. "Lizzie! I can see it! It’s just over there we need to keep going straight" She said in excitement as she carefully climbed back down from the top of the tree whereas I became more aware of the potential danger we were in.

I let Mitty lead as she knew where we were going but we walked there in complete silence. I feared for her safety but I couldn’t let onto that thought as I knew it would affect my performance in the arena. I couldn’t let anything affect my performance; this was life or death for more than just me. We arrived at the edge of the cornucopia just as the YouTube Games Anthem started to play in the night sky. Now was the time to see whether any extreme threats remained. Mitty and I hid ourselves behind a bush just in case and glanced up at the sky. The snow had stopped falling which helped but the sky was still as cold as the snow itself. I could feel my cheeks turning pink in the cold night air but I ignored it and focused on the black sky.

The six tributes that had died were projected against the night sky as me and Mitty held our breath. Louise's smiley face appeared in the sky as we watched closely. Marcus's face followed and Ian after that. The next three had come as a surprise to me. Jenna's image filled up the sky as Mitty looked at me in shock. "She was a good Youtuber, that doesn’t mean she is a good killer" I pointed out and Mitty shrugged "I guess" she replied and refocused on the stars. Anthon's face followed. Anthony was the male tribute from my district but worse, Kalel, Meghan and Joey's friend, was engaged to him. I sent a silent prayer to her and took a deep breath preparing to look back at the ones who had regrettably passed. Jenn had also been killed at the blood bath. The projection ended it suddenly felt really quiet. Eerily quiet. "I’m so glad Tiff is still alive" Mitty said as she crawled from her place in the bush and brushed herself off. I nodded recalling that Tiff was one of Mitty's friends. There was a whole community of us. Me, Mitty, Tiff, Nora, Angie and there was Yammy and Annie but they died in the previous games. I felt a small tear run down my cheek as I remembered their smiles and realized that they were no longer here. I could no longer talk to them, no longer be with them. That was the moment where I realized that all of these Youtubers were someone's idols, someone’s life and these Youtubers would have saved so many people’s lives and they didn’t deserve to be there. They were more then they looked to be, they were people's inspiration, people’s reason to live and these people dying would have a dramatic affect on the people they influenced. Without these Youtubers would feel like they were nothing and would fall in happiness again. Mitty clicked her fingers in my face again to get my attention and pointed at the middle as if questioning me about whether I was ready to go or not. "Yes let’s go, but first Mitty" I said, grabbing her shoulder and turning around "If you see or hear anyone, you call out to me okay?" I said, drawing my knife from my belt. She nodded and continued into the cornucopia. I followed close behind.

We got to the middle without any troubles. We rummaged through the item looking for anything of use. Mitty disappeared around the other side so we could cover more ground quickly. I shifted a crate and found a crossbow inside. I breathed in with excitement and hope. I pulled it out and tried to call out to Mitty but I felt and hand place itself over my mouth. I screamed and struggled but they restricted my movements. Their hands smelt earthy and I could see the dirt marks over their masculine hands. I couldn’t see their face but I could make a guess on who it was. I heard Mitty calling my name from where she was an instantly got panicked. "So you brought a friend" A rough voice snarled in my ear. My suspicions were confirmed, it was Shane Dawson. He didn’t know who me or Mitty were and he probably wouldn’t even spare us if he did. Mitty appeared from the other side of corn holding another crossbow. She paused in panic as she saw Shane with a grip around my neck and complete control of me. "Put down that cross bow" Shane demanded. I could see Mitty shivering when she placed the weapon on the dry grass. I could hear Shane chuckling but that quickly stopped when he saw the fast approaching tribute from the side. Evelina shot at Shane but missed, giving him a chance to run into the forest forgetting about his victims. I stumbled and almost fell to the floor but regained my balance quick enough to stop myself from falling. Evelina quickly approached with a spear firmly in her grasp. I panicked as the crossbow had been thrown to the side by Shane ad I knew that if I moved the slightest Evelina would throw the spear. Instead I stood rock still and counted down the seconds to my death. She approached slowly completely ignoring Mitty who was still glued to the spot where Shane had her stay. I still don’t know what got into her at the moment where she ran towards me and threw herself in front of the spear that was heading towards me. I saw the impact and shivered but I couldn’t rush to her as Evelina had thrown herself on top of me. I wrestled with her, not letting her put her hands anywhere near my neck or head. I scrambled for the crossbow and managed to grab the handle quick enough for her to not be able to stop me. I pointed it at her and be both stayed as still as ever. All you could hear was our heavy breathing and Mitty's distressed cries. Evelina just looked at me in shock. As if she didn’t think I would ever have enough guts to point a cross bow at anyone, especially her "Wow look at you" Evelina said surprised "The little lost girl who faked her death to get out the arena and doesn’t even have a boyfriend or loved one to go back to" she jeered at me. This time I kept my tears in, it was what Joel would’ve wanted. "I don’t want to kill you Evelina, just leave me be and none of us have to kill each other." I stated and she rolled her eyes "Why are you even still here? No one loves you and no one ever will, your family won’t accept you and neither will your friends" She snarled "You saved yourself and no one else" I shook my head indicating that I knew it wasn’t true. She got off grumpily and sprinted at top speed back into the forest. I let out the breath that I had been holding that whole time and threw the crossbow to the side. I crawled hastily over to Mitty and turned her over from where she had fallen when the spear had hit her. She had risked her life to save mine. She didn’t deserve to be in this amount of pain.

She gasped in pain when I turned her over and as I saw the extreme severity of the wound I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to cry. It was over and I had failed my mission to keep her close. "You don’t deserve this Mitty" I cried into my hands. She reached up and grabbed my hand. "No Lizzie, this is exactly what I needed to show me how important it is that you make the most of the time you have got" She replied, choking on her words. I sobbed as I lay down next to her, burying my head into her neck. "I don’t want to lose you as well Mitty" I cried to her. She let out a soft laugh "You will never lose me “she smiled at me but I just looked at her in confusion "I will always be right here" She pointed at my heart and her eyelids slowly started to droop. "No please Mitty" I cried harder. She reached out and held my hand tightly. It was only a few seconds before her grip on my hand loosened and the cannon signalled the sacrifice of another innocent, amazing person. I stayed there and lay next to her body until she was taken away by the metal claw. I didn’t care how obvious I was to the other tributes, I didn’t want her to be alone when she moved on. I never wanted her to be as alone as me. No one deserved that.

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