Chapter 6: I promise (Lizzie)

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CHAPTER 6: (Lizzie's POV)

Leaving the ones you have fought for is difficult, but leaving them for the third time is gut wrenching. Being reuited and pulled apart by the minds and judgements of the capitol. All that remains the same is the determination we have to see each other again. And that is why I made a promise, I never break the promises that I seal. Us three will reunite one day and I am sure of that. But for the moment I had to get the image of her pale white face in the shadow of the bulding that she is cowering next to. She is being stripped of everything that is dear and familiar to her apart from her brother. Shipped onto a steel cage and transported to an unkown location, travelling to her future. I was in the same position but I had lost all I loved long ago, I was just forced to move on, which I suppose helped me in the long run. I would've liked to spend the last few moments with him just us and nothing to be disturbed by but I know he would've prefered me to get out of the arena alive. I stared at the trees that were being left behind as my mind began to wonder. The journey was torture knowing that I was getting further and further away from the few people that still loved me, nothing coud be done. The rebellion was over and we all knew it. I exchanged nervouse glances with the people around me. I didnt recognise many of them. My thoughts drifted back to Meghan and Joey being seperated and I wondered how they were coping. I reached up to my neck to find the locket that I had craftily hidden. The silver glinted in the sunset light that cast an orange glow over the train compartment. The smooth and shiny silver lay in my palm and relfected a glow as I opened it. I saw the smile on his face and instantly felt lone in this giant world. Nothing compared to the comfort of his warm arms, but they werent here anymore and I couldnt lean into his chest when I felt like it. All I had to lean into was the cold, hard window that seperated me from civilisation and my friends.. The friends that held me in their minds and would for life.. I had made my mark, a mark that couldnt be wiped away by a careless finger, a mark that was there for good.. I was there for good.

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