Chapter 28

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 Lizzie's POV

The strength you own is the the love you carry for that one special person and when that one special person leaves, the strength you once carried upon your shoulder, the strength you took pride in, the strength of your love, collapses around you closely followed by the once beautiful world you lived in, breathed in, loved in. Nothing can repair the ashes that scatter the floor where your soul is alone and shivering in a shadow of self consciousness and confusion, the only thing you can turn to is the pity you gain from the eyes of the people watching you fall but aren't brave enough to give their love to help you out the shadows, to help you walk into the sunshine, to let the warm rays reflect off of your bravery To let the overwhelming powers of life fly away with the wind is the best medicine for the broken strings of love that now hang lifeless from your heart

Nothing can change the minds of those who wish for us to suffer, Not even the beg of a desperate man or woman, begging and praying for the life of the one they loved. Gone. Ashes free with breeze that weaves in between the trees that you once lay under, hand in hand, heart in heart, The icy wind of the future biting at your flesh but you ignore it only wanting to cherish the moment you have with them. Not taking notice of the warnings that god gives.  Fate is like a lightening bolt and when it hits something or someone they crumble away from you too fast for you to pick up the pieces. You have to stand and watch, watch your loved one dissolve into the soil that you walk on everyday, under the blue sky which feels like it is falling down on you, looking down on you, just as they are, looking, caring and watching.

Crawling from the place where you hid in when the going got too tough is the hardest task humans can face. The laugh of betrayal and loss echoes in the background of your empty life, forever on repeat, never leaves its position of haunting you. Wanting to bring back the sweet memories you had with them but never wanting you to forget how abruptly they left your life, how no warning was given before they walked out the door, but that is life.. And trust me you get used to the echoes of their voice through your head and the last image you saw of them before they took the one way trip away from you and everything familiar. No one can eliminate the mixed up emotions that swarm in your mind like a million bees that sting your thoughts and opinions, shock waves of regret and happiness filter through your past and discard the happy times and make the memories of loneliness vivid. What you need to remember is that you will be reunited, And that is the only thing you need to look forward to, never decide based upon the past and always live for the future

I still remember his soft brown hair that would tickle my neck whenever we would lay side by side. How his eyes held a whole new character when the sun shone on them, mystery but at the same time, love. Nothing can take away the general enthusiasm of his voice. It plays in my mind telling me that I am loved and he will never leave me. No, I don't have him here to hold me as he used to, to whisper in my ear the sweet compliments he would shower me with, I don't have him here to help me through it but what I do have is the promise that he is up there looking, caring watching. Telling me he loves me and wiping away the melancholy thoughts from my emotions and replacing them will the soft touch of his hand slipping into mine and the feel of his shoulder under my head as we watch the sunset. He was the one I loved, He is the one I love, And I will never forget him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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