Chapter 15: How could I forget? (Meghan)

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Great. I really felt for Lizzie because it seemed like everyone she loved had been forced into the same cruel game as she had. They wondered off to a corner of the training centre by themselves. Joey turned to me and gave a massive sigh. "I just want to kick the capitol in the ass for what they are doing to her, they are playing with her emotions so bad that eventually they are gonna lose all the pieces needed to play the game" I breathed out in frustration. Joey sighed and snaked his arms around me, resting his chin on my my, he whispered into my ear "I have have no worries for Lizzie, the amount she has already gone through, I'm sure she is probably already planning how to get us out" He chuckled. This is why I loved him. He could find the best out of any situation and make me feel a lot better. 

I walked around the training room trying to get a feel for the type of competition we were up against. I stopped by the archery, it was empty. Taking another look round I realized that everyone was spread out everywhere else. I wanted to save my skills for later. I stopped again when I reached the unarmed fighting. How could I forget? Conner Franta, the YouTube game victor for two years in a row. Everyone feared him and you could tell. Surprisingly shy, he never volunteered to go into the games, he was just super unlucky. I spotted Joey at the knives and turned my attention back to watching Conner. He was amazing. When he took a break he turned to face me and smiled. I felt extremely awkward as I had literally just been standing there like an enticed child. I smiled back and he returned to training. With this I decided it was time to practise my own skills. I picked up the smooth silver of the bow and turned it over in my hands a couple of times. The arrows lay in the stand next to me but I left them there as I took a look at the archery arena. High-Tech and challenging. just my type of training. Picking up the quiver I walked into the archery arena ad poised in position. It was quick and there were enemies everywhere but I did it. I may have been a bit rusty but I still managed to defeat them with one arrow each. I had to make the most of this training because it was the only one we would get. A few goes later I had the archery arena under my belt, turning the difficulty right up to extreme I mastered it. I came back into reality with nearly all 23 of the other tributes staring at me through the glass. I coughed awkwardly and started to make my way back through the arena to the exit door. Joey greeted me on the other side. "You were amazing, as always" he said drawing me into a hug and kissing the top of my head. I smiled and looked at the rest of the tributes re-dispersing to their stations. They all left apart from Lizzie, Joey , Mitty and Conner. I looked at Conner and he laughed. "Dont act like I am some big celebrity" He said. I chuckled as well "You practically are to us!" I replied but he shook his head. "I honestly thought I would never even get out the first game" He explained, "But here you are!" Lizzie finished. Conner smiled and then pulled me over to the side out of earshot. "I want to offer you a truce" He started, I gave him my full attention as he continued "I wont team with you, but  I wont kill you before the death match if we both make it and at death match there will be a fair fight" It took me a moment to realize what he was saying, I didn't want to turn this down but I hated the idea of him not killing me but hunting down Lizzie or Joel. "I cant do this because they are my friends" I said looking back at Lizzie, Mitty and Joey. "The thought of you hunting them down but not me kills me inside" I explained looking at my feet. Conner sighed looking like he was studying his options. After 5 minutes of awkward silence he finally gave in "Okay, I really want your truce so I will offer a truce to those three as well" He said smiling. My heart lifted as I heard these words "Deal" I said almost screaming. He held his hand out for me to shake but I leapt at him dragging him into a hug. He hugged back laughing at my excitement. I went back to my group and they all looked at me in confusion. I laughed " I may have just given a chance in these games"........

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