Chapter 5 : Not as we expected (Meghan)

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CHAPTER 5: (Meghan's POV)

Week after week of constant proesting with no outcome was all that encouraged us to keep going and not give up until we got what we wanted. By this time all the districts were contributing to the rebellion against the capitol. We were strong and we were geting stringer everyday that we held our position and we made a stand for ourselves. That was until one day made a change that none of us could rewrite or rebel against, something that shocked us so much that no one could speak up.

We were herded like sheep into the town for an announcement that would be broadcast from the capitol. We didnt fight back because we knew that it might be something about our rebellion and we didnt want to lose any chances that we got. Being controlled by the peace keepers again made me sick but I went along with it. When we were all in the main town square the screen that swung in the sky suddenly springed to life but then the skies clouded over when President Snow's face was broadcast to all the districts. He cleared his throat before beginning to speak and his voice that cast boredom into my vains projected out into the wind. " As a result of your dusgusting behaviour towards the capitol we are making some changes. As from now on there will be 12 districts" The people of district 6 turned to face eachother. The words that were about to erupt from under the white beard where alread known before they were said. "Of course that means that each district will have to be split in and that will take place after this broadcast The names of the people and their district will be read out and they will be shipped off, simple as. Now you must remember this is simply a punishment for your astonishing actions towards the higher archy" The silence spoke better than anywords. Anxiety spread through the crowd like a wave that no one could surf on, we were stuck drowning between the waves. I stood clasping Joey's hand waiting for the names and numbers to roll off of Effie's tongue.

Effie took centre stage and began to read the names and the numbers off of a sheet of pristine white paper that was held in front of her. The only names that truly mattered to me were, David, Kalel and Joey They were the names I was focusing on. David was placed into District 12, Kalel was staying in district 6 and Joey was moving to district 12. I was torn between wanting to be with David and Joey.  My name was last on the list and when I heard the number that followed it. I felt the impulse to fall to my knees but I resisted. The feeling of relief flooded me but was drained by the feeling of love being torn from my heart.. District 12. Ripped from the grasp of Joey's love, possibly forever. I clapsed him. Not willing to let go. Not even when David appeared from te crowd of people eagerly trying to say final goodbyes to loved ones. I was reluctant to say goodbye to Joey. I saw the pity in David's eyes but I didnt want it. I turned and buried my self into his chest. I had to let go of him. But I wasnt going to let go of the love I held in my heart. I felt him being torn away by powerful hands. Those same hands has a grip around my heart and they were squeezing it to the bursting point. Taking a gamble on how long I would last with the pain in my soul. Seeing him boarded onto the train labelled 11 made me throw up insode my fact. He held his hand to his heart as the train started and that was the last time I saw his gentle calming face, his beautiful green eyes and his sweet voice that sent me to heaven. Gone. Carried away with the wind. I just sat there. On the floor of he town square processign what happened and it wasnt till the sound of a close friend behind me that I came back to reality. Soft pastel Pink hair greeted me when I turned around and I didnt even need to think abotu who it was before I wrapped my arms around them. Lizzie returned the embrace and by this moment I couldnt keep the tears in. The cam slowly t first but then soon waterfalls were crashing down my cheeks. " What district??" I managed to choke out between sobs. All she replied with was " Not yours but I had to see ou again before we were parted, I promise I will see you again, It may be in a few years, maybe even a decade but I promise you wont pass without being irritated and nagged by me again" She managed to giggle. That is what I loved about her, the talent she had for being able to find humour in really tough situations. Before anymore was said she was sheparded onto another train and whisked out of my increasingly lonely life.... She promised... and I trusted her.....more now then ever before....

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