Chapter 18: Nothing could have told us sooner

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Chapter 18

(Joeys Pov)

It was only when we got to the top of the mountain that we realized that it wasnt a mountain. The large crater that practically divided the 'Mountain' in two gave it away to up. The musty smell of sulphur irritated our noses as the cold snowflakes nibbled at the skin on our cheeks. Meghan, Lizzie and Mitty all looked extremely worried when they realized it wasnt a mountain but it was a volcano. "I wouldnt trust this" Meghan began and Mitty carried on her point "Yeh, the Game Makers could probably make this erupt whilst we are on it". Mitty had an extremely valid point. We didnt know how or when this volcano could erupt and yet we were stood directly on top of it. "Dont worry guys, I just want to get a view of the layout of the forest." I informed them and the nodded their heads looking over the vast landscape. The arena was a mean one. We had been chucked into a winter forest in the harshest of winters. The rolling hills were blanketed with snow and the spruce trees were concealed in a thick layer of snow dusted pine leaves. I blinked the snowflakes away from my eyes and turned my attention back to the others who were busy scanning the land for a water source. "They are all most likely frozen over" Lizzie pointed out as she shivered in the harsh weather.  Mitty cuddled her from behin to transfer some of her body heat to Lizzie. I smiled at her and she smiled back in my direction. Meghan leant into my side and I kissed the top of her head.

We stood on top of the volcano for what had to only be minutes before a low rumble came from the atmosphere. We all looked at each other in the deepest fear. At this point it could only be Lizzie that made a joke from our situation "Anyone extremely hungry by any chance??" She giggled nervously but was silenced by another low grumble. We were too scared to move. I guess we were all just hoping it would pass. A thick cloud of ash filtered into the sky as a trail of molten lava created a line separating me and Meghan from Lizzie and Mitty. Meghan yelled for Lizzie but the volcano was too loud. I made shooing motions in their direction indicating them to run, so they did. Me and Meghan fled back down the mountain side in which we had trekked up. Meghan was breathing heavily next to me as she concentrated on her footing when unning down the side of the rocky slope. I grabbed her hand to give her extra support and she grabbed it firmly. The bubbling of the molton lava echoed in my ears but so did the screams of Mitty and Lizzie as they got seperated from me and Meghan. I feared for their safety but I knew Lizzie would do anything in her power to keep Mitty from harm.

Me and Meghan ploughed on until we realized that the lava was no longer right on our ankles. Meghan stopped and collapsed at the base of a tree, not caring about the snow. Collapsing next to her, I rested my head on her shoulder and she whispered into my ear. "Im scared" I took her hand in mine but remained silent. There was nothing I could say. Even I was scared. Only six tributes had died at the cornucopia. It was going to be tough, especially as we had been seperated from lizzie so early on. This was when I realized... We needed her.

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