The Love of A Thousand Matches

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I am waiting on an eternal love

Something to W I T H S T A N D the ages

B E A T I N G against my lover back Loving the small things

That others always blink past

Never seeing the beauty

Straight in front of their face

For that, though, I am thankful

I never have to wonder

If it is my face you seek

I can see in your

Hazel eyes

Your love's for me

Out of millions of M A T C H E S

You became the undying F L A M E

That stayed

Never even uttering a curse

Against the winds of time

Just S I T T I N G and

F         O           T          N

   L             A          I             G

Letting the storm rage

violently around you

And seeing the same

Fire right next to you

Out of thousand matches

You lit my soul on fire

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