Tendrils of a Rose

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He begged for her to open her soul

To show the black tendrils that wreaked havoc on the warmest parts of her

But she whispered in his longing ears

Words she knew he would be disgraced to hear

"My heart is iced over," she explained

Lost in a endless age of frozen thoughts

And endless dreams

She was like a rose lost in the blizzard

Peeking through but its colors all lost

But when her eyes met his

With a blush

Her colors returned ever so slightly

And she was no longer lost in the snow

But red for everyone to see

Her happiness blinding

Like the sun shining through the blackest of nights

And the stars

A blinking one for each time he passed

Through her little mind

For he had not saved her

Just revived her

Making the rush of time

Come back to a person who had forgotten

What life could be like

His footprints plain to see

Even though they were frosted over

With rejection and a hate she couldn't bear to see

Still she followed him

Chasing after boots that didn't want

To be warmed by a fireplace with her

But would rather remain black

With the frostbite of lukewarm feelings

She lost herself again with each step

But still she walked on

Hoping she would find who she truly was

In the abyss of a life alone with herself

A steady dance of self love and misery

Just the memories of the love

To show he had truly been beside her

And not a ghost she had begged to be in her company

She wondered what they could have been

Had she not mistaken his pink

For the red of a love letter to her heart

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