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it was finally a few hours after school, and hoseok and namjoon were at the sisters' home for dinner.

after having a great meal that was pizza that they ordered, joy sat down with the twins to talk about what happened earlier.

" so, how was it? what did you get from him? " she asked.

" he's genuinely grateful to you and doesn't want to pry too much information from you as to how you managed to chase everyone away. basically, he knows you did something but he's too scared to ask. " namjoon started explaining.

" scared to ask? why would he be that way? "

" he doesn't want to push too much or ask too many questions because he doesn't want you to be uncomfortable or find him annoying and then push him away. " hoseok added.

" oh wow. he's really thoughtful. way too thoughtful, actually - he clearly overthinks. " joy muttered. it was interesting to see how he was completely different from her.

" by the way, he likes you. " the two of them said at the exact same time, which sparked a glow in her eyes. " i knew it! i knew something was off when his colours were still all over the place even after i helped him. but why do you think so anyway? "

" how he stuttered, how he blushed, how he was flustered and his thoughts were going ' oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh joy what the fuck no no no ' when you looked at him and held his hand. " namjoon paused, before continuing. " it's pretty obvious actually. "

" oh, this will be so much fun when i kill him! " joy exclaimed, to which the two males sighed. " don't just kill everyone you meet, please, sooyoung. "

she simply giggled.



hello! i've been writing another short story that i had inspiration for lately, do you think i should publish it now or wait until with kindness is over?

with kindness | btsvelvetWhere stories live. Discover now