thirty seven

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yoongi and jimin were silently walking behind seulgi (and wendy) after seulgi finished her call.

they had no idea where seulgi was taking them to, not at all.

wasn't the school quiet enough already, seeing how classes only started at 8 and yet they were already in school at 645? was she taking them to somewhere quieter?

why would they have to head somewhere even quieter to talk then? what was so important and private anyway?

many thoughts were running through their minds, but not one of them was to doubt seulgi. how dense, considering that seulgi and wendy were sisters.

if only they knew what the two girls had in store for them.


seulgi led everyone to the furthest chemistry laboratory along that stretch of various laboratories, and stepped inside.

everyone followed suit.

everyone was silent, and seulgi was the first to speak after a few minutes.

" the two of you know something about us that others don't, and that is already far too much. "

she snapped her fingers.

it was a cue for wendy to appear, and her sudden appearance startled jimin to the point where he fell backwards, bringing some beakers that were on the laboratory bench down with him.

" i'll make this quick. " seulgi said as she moved towards the exit of the laboratory. " our family has special powers. to be specific, i can control anything related to heat or fire, while wendy is a spirit and can make herself invisible to everyone except her target and family. "

" i can't really be bothered with telling you guys about the rest of our family, but us five girls have the ability to see emotions as colour. each and every one of you have different colours that represent you. "

by this time, jimin and yoongi couldn't even bring themselves to utter a single word, for they were so taken aback by the sudden influx of information and were trying to take everything in.

" jimin's colour is yellow, yoongi's is blue. but towards your death, your aura is no longer limited to a specific colour. "

" different colours start to appear - every other colour you can imagine, really, and they gradually mix together to form one single colour. black. "

" this is the first time i'm experiencing this, and i can't believe it. "

the boys were clearly panicking as they gradually realised that there was something ominous about seulgi's words.

" thank you for the show you're about to put up for us, for we'll get to see two black auras at once
today. "



listening to day6 again as i write this!! so glad i discovered their music recently, they're my go to right now :-) starting off the session with i smile!!! what a great song.

also, in case you didn't see the post i made on my wall, i'll be writing and publishing the ending of with kindness right now as i go! mainly because i don't want to drag it on any longer thanks to my general lack of time to sit down and properly dedicate some time to writing, so i'll do it now :D hence i'll be publishing all the chapters leading to the ending within the next few hours.

hope you enjoy!! thank you for all the support on with kindness all along and i can't believe how far we've come <3 this is my longest running book yet.

also video calling grillhoon as i write!!!

lots of love,
jane <3

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