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irene wasn't expecting things to pick up so fast.

she was just chilling around on the sofa, ready to start watching a film when seulgi called.

" i get to kill taehyung already? and just yesterday, i was thinking about how close he was to death since specks of pink and turquoise were appearing in his aura. "

this time, she decided not to text him before going over to his place again. after all, what was the point when he was definitely way too weak to do anything?

in fact, irene was rather surprised at how he was still alive and breathing. she did use quite a bit of her poison on him, which most people would have completely succumbed to by now - considering how powerful she was.

skipping to the part where she reached his apartment, she quickly barged in and headed for his room, before leaning against the door and staring at him.

taehyung actually seemed to be in a much better state than he was in yesterday when irene visited him, which left her even more confused. " what in the world is going on? did he like, find an antidote or something? "

" oh? what a surprise, why didn't you text me before coming babe? i'm feeling a lot better today actually, you could have stayed at home instead. " taehyung said.

" you were so weak yesterday you couldn't even text me properly, of course i had to come and take care of you! " irene replied before running forward to engulf him in a hug.

" i'm sorry for making you worry, i missed you so much. " taehyung mumbled as he nuzzled her neck.

before nipping at it.

which of course, caught irene by surprise.

" taehyung! " she yelped. " why do you have so much energy today? what happened to you overnight? are you seriously getting better? "

" i don't know how this happened, honestly. but i'm glad it's happening, i felt so faint and exhausted for ages and to feel a spike in my energy level for once? i'm loving it! "

" well, that won't be happening for any much longer, kim taehyung. " irene muttered, and her expression morphed into one that was unreadable

" babe, what are you talking about? " taehyung asked with a smile.

but before he could get any other words out, he was promptly shut up because his mouth was kept busy by irene.

taehyung was taken aback by irene's sudden and odd movements, but didn't bring himself to question it too much. but when their kissing continued on for way too long and he realised he really needed to pull apart because he needed to just fucking breathe, it was already too late.

to put it in the most accurate words ever : irene was completely; wholly devouring him.

and he couldn't understand why she was acting so viciously, but he could tell that she had no intentions of stopping anytime soon.

taehyung was getting dizzier and dizzier as the seconds went by, and he was feeling weaker and weaker as well. he used the last of his strength to kick irene away, and it finally worked.

literally about to faint, taehyung asked irene one final question.

" what exactly are you doing to me? "

irene smirked.

" i'll make it easy for you to understand. my sisters and i can see that there's an aura of a specific colour surrounding you, but we don't like seeing only one colour. that's boring, isn't it? " she said in an eerie tone, before leaning down to peck his lips.

it left him even feeling even weaker than before, and his vision was getting blurrier and blurrier.

" we all pick our targets, and the good thing is that when they're extremely panicked —

other colours start to show up in their aura. take you, for example. i saw pink and turquoise in your aura apart from your usual red, and right now i see even more colours. gold and brown just started to appear too. "

irene's smirk grew even wider.

" you wanna know what i mean by extremely panicked? "


" i mean that they're about to die. which is basically, what you're experiencing right now because my kisses were all laced with poison from the very beginning! "

irene laughed maniacally.

" goodbye, sweetheart. it was fun having you
around! "

and then, she ended things off with one final kiss.

kim taehyung then drew his final breath, and laid limp on his bed.



hello!! IT'S BEEN A WHILE AHHHHH i'm back with another chapter... and now we only have jungri left before the book ends )-:

a lot of things have been happening in my life LOL. the most notably being the sugarmommies (trademark) gang which i will not tag bc i m shy but i love having them in my life hehe. literally so many btsvelvet authors i love in one gc!

for this chapter i actually thought of two choices of how i could write it - 1 is emotional 2 is not. ruth picked 2! so :-) if she picked one i would have included more details abt irene's thought process and maybe wrote something along the lines of how she didn't want it to end so quickly and she was really contemplating against it otw to his house, but she knew she still had to fulfill her part anyway so it would have been a lot more emotional.... oof maybe i would have teared lol idk but ruth chose 2 so she's a psycho again

OH BEFORE I GO i have a question to ask, do answer it honestly!!!

what are your thoughts on reading social media aus (like the ones on twitter) on wattpad? please give me your honest opinion and everything :-) eg do you think that having everything happening in fake tweets and messages (displayed as pictures) with minimal narration a chore to scroll through and read on wattpad?

ok bye this was a long chapter and a long a/n i hope u loved it and i hope u love me too

lots of love,
jane <3

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