twenty nine

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with the movie finally coming to an end and the skies outside getting darker, it was time for the two girls to head home.

only, seulgi was clinging to jimin like a koala and yeri was having trouble waking seulgi up.

" yerim ah, how about i drive you guys home and have jimin come along too? that way seulgi noona can sleep longer too, she seems exhausted. " jungkook asked, his voice laced with concern.

" it's fine, i'll just pry them apart. " yeri replied monotonously.

she pulled seulgi off the couch with so much force that she almost fell over, and dragged her out of the door whilst saying goodbye to the boys.

and in a flash, she was back at home.

silently appearing in the kitchen, she dragged the still sleeping seulgi to the living room, where she saw namjoon and hoseok talking with the rest of her sisters.

" we haven't put our powers to good use lately, it's boring to hear joy's thoughts all the time when all she thinks about is how to kill seokjin. " hoseok said.

" oh! hi yeri, it's been a while since we last saw you! what are you doing to seulgi? " namjoon asked.

" i think she's having a fever, i know she always has a warm body temperature but this time she's literally burning up. and she's not waking up from her slumber either so i'm just dragging her to bed. "

" idiot, i'm awake. " seulgi croaked.

" so can i drop you now? you're pretty heavy. "

" don't you dare. anyways, namjoon and hoseok, " she paused to clear her throat. " follow me to school tomorrow and check on jimin's thoughts for me. thanks and goodnight! " with that, she disappeared - presumably thanks to yeri who just wanted to drop her already.

the next day, seulgi did wake up with a terrible fever. " shit, how did this happen? " she thought.

" yerim ah. " she called. " yes? "

" come to my room for a bit. "

seeing yeri walk into her room, she asked. " what happened yesterday? i can't remember anything, did i fall asleep? "

" yeah, you fell asleep on jimin and had your arm wrapped around his waist. i literally had to pry the two of you apart when we were going home, and the both of you were really warm so i'm guessing you accidentally used your powers too much when you were asleep. "

" hm. that makes sense. "

" do you have nothing to say about you and jimin cuddling? "

" yes. "

" okay then. don't go to school today, just stay at home and get some rest. "

of course, seulgi ignored yeri's words - and even irene and wendy's nagging. with that, she was out of the door with namjoon and hoseok as company all the way to her classroom just in case anything went wrong.

along the way, seulgi told them that jimin reached the classroom pretty early too, just like her. she had no clue about what he did when there was just the two of them in the room for a good half an hour, because she was always asleep.

and true enough - seulgi put her head on the table once she reached the classroom, and she finally let out a groan because of how uncomfortable she was feeling.

at that moment, jimin walked into the classroom and was extremely confused by the sight in front of him. " there's two random guys sitting next to seulgi. who the fuck are you, why are you here what are you doing to her? i'm PREPARED TO FIGHT! " he thought.

but before he had a chance to even voice them out and make a fool of himself, hoseok spoke. " hi! we're seulgi's cousins hoseok and namjoon. she's having a high fever but insisted on coming to school anyway so we're just taking care of her and making sure she's not going to faint in the middle of nowhere alone. it's nice to meet you, jimin! "

jimin initially sighed out of relief, but then his thoughts immediately travelled to the fact that seulgi was ill.

he then turned to the twins, " it's nice to meet the both of you too! also, do you know where she lives? " and he was replied with a nod.

" then let's go. i'm carrying her home. " he said as he bent over to place her on her back, wrapping her arms around his neck and started walking towards the school gates.



special, quick update because i met mrruff_xd today & also because i'm going to DISAPPEAR from updating until after 29th june because of exams 😔 and just saying i had a new story idea today so yay after my exams i'll be working on that too wink wink

anyways JUST IN CASE anyone's gonna miss me y'all know where to find me hehe bye

lots of love,
jane ❤️

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