A baby at your doorstep

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I started a live stream and 50 people were on it already. I flipped my bangs out of my face to the side where it originally belonged. I stared at the camera with a smile. "Okay guys," I started chuckling. "I read all of your requests and i'm starting to regret it." She grabbed the small pale bucket with easter decoration that was filled with ice and water. I raised it to the top of my head and slowly poured the freezing cold water on me. I gasped at the sudden change of body temperature in shock. As the last few drops trickled down my face as i smiled with my eyes closed. "Why did i listen to you all?" I sigh and shook my head in disappointment and gave my viewers the look of regret. "Why?" I tilted my head as i asked.

A sudden knock was heard at the door. I went to the other youtube tab that was open and went offline but left my background EDM music playing as they chat with each other. I grabbed a towel that was placed on my chair to prevent any water on the polished wooden floor. I got up shaking the towel to dry my wavy mixed colored hair. The knocking at the door sounded as if the person waiting was in a hurry. "Alright, alright! I'm coming." I strolled over to the door with my soaked black spaghetti strap t-shirt with short denim jeans. As i opened the door, i was met with the dark cloudy sky that was slightly pouring warm rain.

I looked around to see if anyone was there. I checked twice for stalkers that were usually fans. Nothing but misty warm earthy scent of the rain. That is until . . .

"Ehh. . .ehHhh"

I looked down to see a birch color weaved basket with a terracotta blanket that was made with yarn. With having curiosity taking over, I slowly lifted the blanket to reveal a cub. I gasped and covered my mouth and looked outside one last time, desperately looking for their parents. Looking back at the crying cub, I noticed that it had freckles covering most of his cheeks and a bit to his nose. I found a note attached to the basket and I snatched it off the handle.

"Please take care of my little Grayson. I am unable to take proper care for him. He is a hybrid of a grizzly bear and a human. I am desperate for a replacement to take my place. Thank you."

I stared at the baby and grabbed the handle and placed it down on the living room floor of my apartment. "How could I possibly take care of you?" I felt confused and watched the young creature squirm and make noises. I noticed that he had little brown nubs on the top of his head that was covered with dirty blonde hair. After he was done looking around, his eyes found me. I felt a strange feeling in my chest. His deep brown eyes were impossible to look away. He giggled and reached out for me, indicating me to pick him up. I gulped as i felt nervousness filled my body.

"H-hey. . .there buddy. Little. . .little Grayson." I gently gripped him from the bottom of his arms and pulled him to me and slid him to my side. "L-little. . .Grayson buddy." He gurgled and shoved his hand in his mouth. I giggled at his silly smile. "You know what?" I teasingly wiggled my finger at him as he tried to grab it. "I guess I could use a bit of company." He grabbed my finger and gripped it tightly, afraid of letting it go. He giggled in victory of success.

(There you go. My precious baby in a story! The artwork is mine and it looks a bit cringy but a good cringe. Ya know?)

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