Should I stay or should I go?

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Grayson was curious but a little cautious about the river. After a couple of seconds, the river stopped glowing and it disappeared. Ein was calling for him from afar. "Hey, Grayson! Cary wants to talk to you!" He hung from the door frame and went back inside. Grayson gawked back at where the river once was and hesitantly ran to his call.

Cary sat with her hands on her lap and a guilty look in her eyes. "What's going on?" Ein searched through the pantry for food and found tuna. Iris smirked and chuckled to herself while staring at him from the corner of her eyes. Gabby emerged from the hallway and glared at Ein while growling at him. She turned to Grayson and Cary.

"Is no one gonna tell me?" Grayson joked and Ein turned around shoving tuna in his face. "Hmm?" Cary stood up from the chair and walked up to him. His smile faded away and turned to concerned.

"I. . .I need to tell you something." Gabby, Ein, and Iris watched in silence, listening for his answer.

"What happened? Did she come back?" He asked frantically holding her shoulders and looking deep into her eyes. "As hard as it is already, I did something terrible in my past." Grayson let go of her shoulders and led her to the couch in attempt to calm her down. She started to sob and Iris immiedaitly came by her side and asked her if she's okay. Gabby stood there helplessly in the situation. Cary wiped her tears away as she looked straight into Grayson's eyes and caught her breath.

"Your people-I. . .They. . ." She gasped and whimpered. "So many of them died. Even the cubs. . ." She covered her mouth and cried with horrid in her eyes. "What are you talking about?" He was worried. He's never seen her like this before. "My people?" Her eyes became lifeless when she started to talk again. "It happened 19 years ago. The war between humans and bears. I was positioned as the negotiator to calm their hostility." She explained and Grayson was processing what she was telling him.

"My team member gave the false signal and the war started. I had no idea what to do so I ordered the rest of my team to follow everyone else. I had no idea that it would end in bloodshed." Grayson grew pale and his eyes grew big. "What. . .?" He whispered in shock and held his temple. "You're the last one with magic ability." He stood up and shook his head. "No." He began to chuckle in disbelief. "There's no way that. . ." Cary stared at the floor and handed him the note that came with him. "Here's proof." He took the note and read it.

Dear Caretaker,

Please look after Grayson till he is able to come back home. He learn more about himself in his orginal world and his culture. Thank you.

Sincerely, Kari

(Grab a box of tissues or your blanket because here comes the feels!)

"This. . .this doesn't make any sense." He looked at his mother that he known for years. "Have you been lying to me all these years?" He gipped on the paper note and had tears in his eyes. She didn't say anything and stood there with dead eyes. He screeched with a growl and ripped the note. "Why would you do this to me!?" He sniffed and tears slipped down his face. Then, a wrong idea came in mind. "Did they kill her?" He whispered and heavily stomped over his to Cary but Iris and Gabby stood in his way. "Grayson it's okay." He didn't listen to their messege. "Did they kill her!?" He asked again with a threatening tone.

"She killed herself."

Grayson let all his grief out and pulled on his hair. Chanting the words "no" over and over again. Iris ran to Grayson and tried to calm him down with words of her own. "I'm so sorry. I didn't even know this. Do you need some ti-" "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" He sobbed and Iris tried again. "Grayson, I know you're upset about this, but lashing out isn't the answer." "Easy for you to say. You've never lost your mother."

Iris' eyes became dark and tears rolled down. "Yes. I did." Ein being concerned after watching the event take place, he came to Iris' side. She gesterd him to give them space and he granted her wish. "She was killed by my father and he used her blood to make a weapon." Ein nodded in guilt and Gabby strolled over to Iris and sat by her. Cary went into her room while covering her arms in shame. Gabby saw Cary leave and didn't know what to do.

Out of nowhere, a sudden loud thud was heard at the end of the corridor. Ein and Gabby went to check on her but Gabby rushed out of her room to get her phone. Grayson left before she made the call and Iris chased after him. "911? Yes, u-uh my neice's mother c-cut herself. T-there's blood everywhere." She spoke with panic. "Colrod 412 Blv. Please hurry!" She hung up and went to help Ein make sure that she stays alive. Ein checked for her pulse and nodded that caused Gabby to release her breath that she holding.

"Grayson!" Iris caught up to him but he was gone in a flash. She could feel his life gone from this world and dropped on the ground crying. "I lost my mother and now I lost you." Suddenly the sky changed and a whirl of rain came crashing down. She stayed there doing nothing but wailing for him.

A distorted voice was the last thing I heard. I had no idea that the river would do this. Now I can meet you mom. "Hello?" The voice was a little clearer and closer but a gasp interrupted the voice.

I could feel something poking me and then nothing. I felt at peace in sleep.

(Ein, Iris, Gabby, and Alitz don't belong to me! Everyone else does. This book is copyrighted just in case for those are greedy. What to do now? Re-read this book or wait for a continuation?)

(Sorry about that! It's the only way I was able to end the book but don't worry! He's not dead if that's what you're thinking. He's just in a deep sleep from transporting to the other world. The rest will be revealed in Diverse Worlds. Thank you for enjoying the book!)

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