Was everything a lie?

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I turned my head to Iris to see what she wanted. She pulled the black small chair sat down and folded her hands on the smooth glass table. She sighed and looked at Grayson that seemed interested for a story. I sat down in front of her as Grayson crawled over the table to Iris. She chuckled and placed him on her lap as his eyes sparkled with wonder. "It's time that i tell you about the truth." I gave her a confused look and continued to listen. "I'm the princess of both the dark and light realm."

"You're joking right?" My smile stiffened when Iris kept a serious face. "You're not joking. . ." I felt like i was an idiot for not noticing how quiet she was.

I was a bit concerned for her suddenly sounding like this. But at the same time, Grayson is half bear half human! I guess my logic would drive me insane if i kept using it to compare the reality to understand something.

I ran my hand through my uncombed hair. "I ran away because my father of the dark realm killed my mother and he wants me to marry someone he arranged me to so i could rule the dark realm." She added as Cary looked down in confusion.

"Do. . .do you want some time alone?" She asked and Grayson cooed at Iris triwling her finger around Grayson's field of vision. Cary stood there silent and still. She was trying to process what she had said.

What did she mean princess of the light and dark realm? Was she both a demon and an angel? My head started to hurt thinking on the subject so started think of food instead. "Is anyone hungry?" Grayson poked his head up and bounced excitedly.

Cary giggled and walked to the kitchen. Iris thought about following but decided to stay where she was. Grayson on the other hand, ran after his mother to see what she would stir up for him.

After 5 minutes of chopping onions, cooking ground beef, slicing tomatoes, and boiling eggs

She fixed three plates for everyone to eat. Grayson eyed the plate as he followed behind Cary and climbed in his small chair. She placed his plate on the table and stuck a fork in his meaty meat loaf. She noticed Iris looking out the window of birds flying and cars passing by.

"You okay, Iris?" I sat down with my plate and slid hers towards her. Thankfully it didn't fell off this time and I sighed from the small breath I held. "Yeah." She poked at her meat loaf and stared down at it. I could tell that something is bothering her. I pulled my chair closer to the table when I was really trying to get closer to her. "Are you sure?" I asked hoping that she would know the hint that i was sending her of me being worried.
"I don't want to upset Grayson with him here." I nodded and picked up the sleepy bear.

"Do you think I was lying to you?" I thought as I entered my room. I paused for a moment and pulled the blankets over Grayson who slept soundly. I smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Why did you think I was joking" One thought after another appeared as I was trying to figure out what was going on.

I brought myself to the door to see if Cary needed me. I wanted to knock, but I felt that I should leave her alone to think. I ignored it and the feeling grew stronger as it warned me to give her some space. I looked at the door one last time before going back to the table. I felt a sudden sting in my chest and my body felt heavy. "Cary. . ." Her head snapped at the door.

I sighed deeply and I started questioning everything I knew. I didn't realize at first but I noticed that everyone that I meet had a look as if they were expecting me. People at my job. . .at school. Everyone that I met. I thought I was going crazy but I knew deep in my mind that I wasn't.

"Was I being stalked?"

"Am I in danger?"

"Was everything a lie?"

I felt everything fall apart and I felt scared for myself. "What am I going to do?" Rocks were being thrown against my window and I gasped as soon as I heard it. I snapped my head to the window and went to see who was bothering me. My eyes widen at what i saw. "No. . ."

(So there you have it guys. Another cliffhanger for you guys to enjoy. What will happen to Cary? Who was at her window? What did the sudden feeling mean? Will everything return back to normal in time? Find out in the next chapter!)

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