What does this mean?

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After pushing the weird guy out, Iris covered her face with her hands. I didn't know what to do. Should I go and comfort her? I threw my head onto her lap with a curious and playful expression. She removed a finger from covering her eye and chuckled.

I started to shift towards my human side as I smiled. She stared for a second before rubbing my head and I shifted back to my bear side. Iris started to think while she was massaging my head. "I wonder. . ." She stopped and my nose was straight and had small holes and I felt a little cold without my fur. She rubbed my head again and again I shifted back to a bear. She stopped and thought for a moment. I looked up at her and she looked so confused. Was it something I did?

She stood up from the couch and silently went in to the bathroom. What was she going to do? As I grew a bit nosy, I hesitantly place my ear against the door and heard quiet sobs. Suddenly the door split open to a crack and I opened it a bit. "Iris?" She continued to cry and I took a deep breath and opened the door to see the whole room, but. . . .

No one was there

I felt confused and scared. The room began to tilt a little towards the left and right. The room felt unwelcoming and beconed me to get out. Instead, I just stood there. Staring at the tile wall where the shower is. I slowly turned to the mirror and saw my complete human form. I stared in awe and touched my face. I felt fur and looked at it.

Then, all of my fur came off and I felt so cold. "Mom?" I hugged myself. "Anyone?" My voice began to crack and I noticed that my paws were shaking when I held it up. I looked at the mirror again and the mirror was black. I fell to the wall with my arms up against it. I whimpered a bit struggling not to cry.


"Mom?" I looked back and saw her with her head down. I ran to her and was getting ready to hug her. "Mom!" I was getting closer and closer. "You're here!" She smiled and tilted her head watching me run to her. "I got so scared and-" "I don't want to do this. . ." I stopped when my finger touched her lacy dress. "W. . .what?" Her lips quivered and . "Wh-what's. . " I started to panic and everything around me started to grow farthur away. "M-mom?" I whimpered and tears slipped out.

I looked around me and everyone was here.

They screamed with tears flowing down their face when they faced away from me. What's happening? Why is everyone crying?

It was getting hard to breath and this all felt too much to deal with. Everything around me was pitch black. Their crying stopped. All there was, was just me. Alone.


I cried out desperatly looking around the darkness. My heart was going to jump out of my chest and I couldn't breathe anymore. I sobbed covering my face and my knees collasped on the ground.

"I don't understand!" My voice going in and out with each breath I sucked in. "What did I do?!"

Suddenly, a person with a cloak stood far away from me.

"What's going on?" I cried out at them. They stood there still and silent.


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