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Iris has been sending me a lot of weird books lately. I wonder what for? "Grayson!" I heard mom call for me and I got up and walked to my room. "Yeah?" Cary stood looking at the wall and turned back when she heard me. She smiled and saw Iris next to mom. She moved out of the way as she waited for my reaction.

My walls were filled with big and colorful stickers of "Steven Universe" and "We bare bares" with happy expressions. I couldn't believe my eyes until I just remembered something. I gasped and looked at my mom giggling and Iris holding up her thumbs with excitement.

"Did you see what was in the bag?" I thought for a moment and nodded. I dashed back into the living room and slid to a stop when I fell.

"Happy Birthday!" They cheered and waddled over to hug him. "Thanks you guys!" Iris held her phone and so did Cary as they were recording Grayson estatic to see what gifts he had.

He held up a book that read "Facts about animals" and he examined the book for something special. "That was from me." Iris held her hand up slightly away from her phone. She silently whined when she put her hand back. Cary leaned closer to Iris and Iris leaned back to her. "Is it getting better?" She asked and I swatted my hand in a dissmissal way. "Yeah. I'm fine." She went back to her spot and Grayson shifted to his human form and back to his bear form from all the surprise and attention.

"Uhh." I looked at Iris for a brief moment and she shrugged. I turned off my recording app and sat my phone down. "Hey," I held his shoulder and he looked at me with sparkles in his eyes. "You know what would be better?" He took a quick gasp and raised himself to my nose when i was crouching down. "What?" He asked anxiously. I got up and he swung his head to Iris and back at me.

He got up as well and I followed Cary to the kitchen. We stood in a bold surprise pose exposing the cake that had sparklers on the top and golden white candles that was lit. He stumbled over his steps and peered over the cake to see what was on it.

It was the picture that Iris drawn for Grayson and him copying the picture that was given to him. He smiled ear to ear and chuckled. "Oh! I remember this one!" I took a picture and Grayson blinked rapidly his eyes still smiling. "Smile!" I told him and he held up both his hands near his face with wide eager eyes. I turned my phone off and sat down next to him as he blew out the candles. Somehow, sprinkled spit spread across my face and Iris went to get a napkin. "Sorry, mom." He apolgized unsure of what she'll say.

Cary laughed and cleaned her face. She dipped her finger in the icing and reached to wipe it on Grayson's nose. "No!" Grayson laughed, running away. Cary chased after and I giggled joining in the fun. I grabbed Cary from her arms and shouted. "Run Grayson!"

He ran as fast as his paws could, which was surprisingly fast and stabled. I let go after Cary nodded. I made sure that Cary was no where in sight while I teleported to the light realm.

"Do we go now?" An excited female wolf asked eagerly. I held up my hand and waited for the cry of laughter. I threw my hand down and they launched themselves to the air transforming into humans and landed on their feet. Each of them snatched their baskets of gifts from the ground that had obvious traps.

This was good for training the recruits and test for needed agility. As expected, they all suceeded and huddled up to the door. Not one gift scratched or smushed when I checked heading towards the door. They stepped back to make way for me. "When I teleport, that's when you knock on the door." I pointed to the short ginger haired female and she nodded with a smile.

I exmined each and every one of my approved omegas and noticed that their tails were wagging.

"Seriously?" I pointed out to a member with my palm. They sheepishly chuckled and their tails dissapeared. "Much better." I teleported back to my spot and scanned the room in case Cary or Grayson was nearby. The knock on the door was a little late but on schedule. "I'll get it!" I shouted and Cary responded with an okay.

Grayson chuckled and sighed when he stopped at the door to see Iris' "friends" with a gift in their hands. "Happy birthday!" They all cheered and Cary tilted her head while heading towards the door with a curious expression. A few of my Omegas handed Cary pots and plates of food that they made. Some of them left to take care of some problems back at the woods.

The rest stayed and enjoyed the birthday boy's thoughts of their gifts. All of them felt pride and waited for my approval smile. They all had giggled when I did and Grayson hugged all of them.

Night had finally arrived and Grayson crashed on the couch. "Aww!" I picked up Grayson with a grunt and Iris swiped her hand across my arms to help me carry him. The last time that we weighed him, he was around 64 pounds. Shouldn't be too heavy for my right? Wrong. "He had so much fun that he passed out." Iris adored and placed him on his Disney themed blanket.

"Why did you bring all of them again?" She asked and we sat down holding cups of chocolate milk. "It was supposed be the grand surprise." I sipped and Cary took a moment to think. "Don't you think that was a bit over the top?" Iris scoffed and waved her hand. "No. Of course not." Cary smiled with a raised eyebrow. "Okay." She admitted. "Maybe it was a little too much."

I chuckled and thought about when she had came to my door. All beaten up and unable to walk properly. Who could've done that? I gripped my cup a bit tighter with each thought as I went deeper into my mind with questions.

"Hey," I felt a shoulder and saw Iris with a serious face. "You okay?" I thought of what to say but nothing came out. "No." I wanted to say. "Yeah." I ignored my feelings about the time she came over to my house.

A few seconds later, A loud whine followed by a loud thud at the door made both Cary and Iris jump up from the couch. Iris had summonded the sword of light and stood in a fighting position. Cary grabbed a bat from her room and slid beside the door.

Iris threw open the door and pointed the bright sword at the injured wolf. "She. . .was so fast. . .I couldn't. . " The talking wolf grunted and Cary stood there confused. She looked at Iris who went to see where her team member was injured.

"She came. . .for him . . ." The male wolf gripped on Iris' skirt and Cary knew who he was talking about.
"Grayson. . ." Iris and Cary looked at each other before rushing into Grayson's room.

When they reached his door and turned on the light, Grayson was snoring lightly on his pillow. He groaned and shifted to his side that sheilded him from the light. Cary sighed in relief and sat down next to him. He sat up in bed and rubbed his eye. "Mom? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"We need to go." I was confused on what was happening. "Go where?" I took my blanket off and slid my legs to the edge of the bed. I saw Iris with a sword and started to panic a bit. "What's going on?" In a blink of an eye, we all dissappeared to a different place.

Iris didn't even look back at us for once. "You guys will be safe in here." The room was nice and seemed comfortable to live in. "This is the guest room with some cool stuff. There's some games in case you guys want to pass time and there is a bathroom in the hallway." She pointed to the lime green hallway and the door that had the sign of "Entertainment room." "I'll be back. Just need to make sure that she isn't around." Mom held me tight and Iris slammed the door shut.

What's happening?

To Be Continued. . . .

(I apologize for giving you guys another cliff hanger. But I promise you that Grayson is going to be okay. Other than that, I wanna know how you guys think the characters look like. My art for Grayson is improving and I will show you guys soon.)

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