The single 'mother'

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I opened the door to find none other than Iris. I stared at her dumbfounded as she waved her hand in front of my face. "Hello?" I snapped back into reality and she jumped into a paused hug. I hugged her and she giggled.

"What are you doing here?" I invited her in and sat down in the dining room. "Did you literally forget that you called me here?" I blankly stared at the floor, thinking. "Yes?" I looked back her with a dumb face as she glared into my soul. She laughed and i stood there with the same awkward face.

3 hours later

Just when I was catching up with my dear friend, Grayson started fussing. "Where is that coming from?" She looked at me when i left to get Grayson. "Uh," I yelled from the small dimmed hallway. I soon heard footsteps tapping closer to the door."Is everything okay?" She asked. "Wait!" The tapping footsteps stops. Her voice is more clearer as she leans close to the door. "Is something bothering you?" The door knob begins to jiggle and i held it firmly

I slanted on the door and looked at Grayson who was chewing on the covers. I sighed giving in and opened the door to a crack. Iris stood and peeped over me but i blocked her view. "What's going on?" She asked and stood still at one place to hear an explanation. My hands shook and my brain fuzzed. I stutter. "There was a-a baby that was dropped off at the front o-of my door." She nods her head as she listened. "Don't tell anyone this, but," Iris leaned closer as Cary stared at the floor that was beneath her. She furrowed her eyebrows and frowned. "He's not like the others." Iris stood there registering what her friend had said. She had known Cary for almost a decade. What did she need to hide?

"Oh. Well, can i see him?" I was stunned from her reaction. I was expecting a dramatic 'what?' or a shove out of the way. I stood there as Iris waved a hand in front of my face to catch my attention. "Are listening to me?" I snapped out of it and opened the door a little bit more for her to slip through. When she saw him, she immediately cooed with him as he happily babbled.

"This is not what i expected at all." I watched Iris pick up the curious baby and she gave me a look of pure joy. "What? An adorable little guy being happy to see me?" She rubbed noses with him. I slowly moved my arm to my waist and pointed to her. "That was what i was gonna say until you actually said it." She turned to face me bouncing Grayson a bit. "Why don't you go to work while i watch him?" I wanted to say 'no way' but i didn't have much of a choice. Giving up, i sighed and kissed Grayson goodbye. "Be good for Ms. Iris, okay?" Grayson had a sad and desperate look in his eyes. He reached for me and whined making my heart drown in regret. I ignored it and left. A heartbreaking cry was heard when i closed the door.

2 hours later, 7:30 PM

"The little bear went inside the dark cave and went to sleep." I read to Grayson on my bed as he had his full attention on me. He was going to turn one tomorrow and i already feel like he's growing up too fast. "Agabah! Aga wibba. . .agabah!" He pointed excitedly to the woman walking with the bear. I chuckled at his adorable gesture. I felt so relieved after stressing out about the 'what if' scenarios. Grayson's eyes lit up with excitement and i saw my own reflection as he smiled wide. "Welcome back!" Iris greeted me and handed me my baby. "It's good to be back." I looked at her and back at Grayson with a smile as he grabbed my face.

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