The turning point

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Zari was struggling to strike at Iris. She then realized that if she needed to complete her goal, she's going to need something that could give her a 'cheat'. "Let's end this childish play."

She swung her sword at Iris, cutting the strands of her hair. Iris has had it to her last straw and blasted towards her and missed. A sickening chuckled echoes the forest and Zari was no where to be seen. "You can't keep this up forever." Iris growled and stuck at a nearby tree from where she last saw her. "Just give up. You already lost everything you have. Or had."

Another cackle filled the air and with that, Iris gave all she got and fired everywhere. It took only a short moment for Iris to realize that she wasn't there anymore. "It was just a distraction." She whispered to herself while panting and sprinted to get out and find Cary and Grayson.

For hours and hours, Iris couldn't find a way out of the forest. She thought of teleporting, but that only lead her back to where she started. No one could hear her calls of help, not even her loyal pack. Iris was starting to panic. Finally, she ran and stopped to feel if there was something there to send her in a loop. She couldn't feel a thing. So she looked for clues that Zari might've left.


Usually she would be able to get out of a situation like this, but this has proven to be impossible. Feeling hopeless and scared, she tucked her legs in and curled into a small ball and weeped. She knew that she couldn't do anything to save them. Zari could destroy her pack and do a great harm to Cary. Especially Grayson since he's practically vulnerable to her attacks. What could she possibly do now?

"She hasn't texted back or returned any of my calls." Cary paced back and forth, covering her forehead. "Did something happen to her? Is she gonna come back?" She decided one last time to call her and only heard her voicemail. She threw her phone on the couch and grabbed the pillow. Out of frustration, she began to hit the phone that was being juggled in the air.

Out of breath and ran out of cotton from the pillow, she falls to her knees and cries. "I can't do this alone!" She covered her eyes and rest her legs on the floor. "How am I supposed to protect him now? I'm not even qualified to be a mother!" She continued to sob, helpless on what to do. She stayed there for hours. Not even for a second that she gives herself a break from her tears. Just when things can't get any worse, Grayson wakes up and asks for her.

"M-m. . .mommy?" Why is she crying? Is she okay? "Why are you crying?" Grayson felt something very wrong and stepped towards her. Please tell me this isn't another nightmare. All of a sudden, her crying stops as soon as he approached her. Tears starts forming at the end of his eyes. It's the same nightmare again, isn't it? He felt strong rapid pulses from his body and was too scared to run. He was stuck there. Frozen. "I. . ." she started. "I need you to do something. . .for me." She stood up and her head was hunged low. Grayson wanted to say something, but anxiety got in the way. "Did you hear me?"

She turned around and her eyes seemed. . . . so. . . . dark. . . and heartless. She was a tower of nightmares and he was just the ground beneath her. "I said," She grew even taller than before. "I need you to do something for me." Grayson stood there with tears rolling down his face and lips quivering.

He never seen her like this before. How can he just run away from her now? She yanked him from his collar and he whimpered. "I am your mother! You will obey!!!!" She screamed and Grayson was traumitized. She drops him and he tries to crawl away from her.

"You think you can just get away?" She smiled and her feet began to change to a different color. What's going on? What's happening? He watched her transform to the person from his dreams.

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