New routine, old memories

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Ugh. I hate this clock. I slammed my hand on the vibrating clock to dismiss it and went back to sleep. The door creaked slowly as it let a single ray of light with soft footsteps leading towards me. "Gabby, I know it's you."

"Hehe! You know me so well!" She emerged from the dark with a toothy smile and sat down. "Do you know what time it is?" I struggled to open my eyes and sat up. "Nope!" She replied with energy. "Of course not." I mumbled and shoved a pillow over my face. "Oh come on!" She got up and opened the curtains to reveal the bright sunny light. I rolled over to the opposite side from where the was light and groaned.

"It's a beautiful day outside!" I continued to lay in bed with the pillow on my face. "It can wait." I felt the sudden sharp coldness on my legs and Gabby took off my blanket as I was trying to reach for it. She removed the pillow and grinned. "Gabby nooo." I softly whined. "Gabby yes." She repeated.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed than move towards the edge. "Why do I have to get up?" I slouched and she gently push the door a bit further to let in more blinding light. "Because you're a growing bear."

"Well if I'm a growing bear, I need to sleep while I still can." I argued and flopped back on the bed. After that, she left and there was a peaceful silence that seemed to have never felt more relaxing. That was until a scent of what smelt like rotting meat with oranges that was left in a pot of stinky cheese. I couldn't help but to jolt up and desperately open the window to escape from the horrible odor. I coughed and gagged as the emitted scent slowly died down.

"What is that smell?" I heard mom and Iris dash into the room with the smoke detector going off. After a few gasp of fresh air, I joined them into the kitchen to see that Gabby was making breakfast. Again.

I remember how mom used to cook for the two of us.

"Okay Grayson, say 'ahh" The spoon that had oatmeal dripping of on the edges was close to my mouth and I mirrored her expressions as best as I could. "Ahhhh." She chuckled and grabbed a napkin to clean the mess on my chin. I remember not being sure if I was supposed to do what she does, but I did it anyways. I bopped the bridge of her nose as she jumped. "No more?"

I didn't know what I did but she took me out of the feeding chair and put me on the floor. I looked up at her, expecting her to put me back. "Ooh! Look." She pointed towards the T.V. I wobbled over to where she was pointing. "Teehee!" She giggled and picked me up. I fell asleep afterwards

I was only 4 at the time. The only memory I have when I was really young. She was always told me that she loved me.

"Gabby, you can't do that." She snatched the stirring spoon away from her and she pouted. "I don't need to follow it." She pointed and Iris turned the stove off and put out the flames. "Which is why that exist." She gritted her teeth and Gabby blew a raspberry at her. 

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I smiled and thought about when mom came home with food. I looked out from the window next to the entertainment room. Then I saw one of the guards breathlessly ran up to her and his hands were waving all over the place and his face. . .I could see the pure horror on his face. I didn't know what was happening when I was watching them frantically look around. The guard left after giving something to her and she hurried to the door still watching the empty woods. "Mom, what's going on?" She walked past me and paced back and forth. Her hand covered her mouth and she looked completely lost in her buzzing thoughts.

I didn't know what to do. Then, all of a sudden, I felt something. I froze. I saw someone plummeting down a waterfall. Who was that? And why does it feel so. . .tight?

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