Grayson's big day

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I keep telling myself to not worry about little stuff. I just can't believe that Grayson is one now! I decided to call Iris. A few rings went before she answered. "What happened?" She asked expecting some crisis. "Well," I started happily. "It's Grayson's birthday and since you know what kind of desserts he likes, i thought maybe you could choose." I heard a big gasp and i smile in return. "Cary! I get to take care of your son and now you're letting me choose what kind of sugary food he eats!?" She screamed through the phone and i chuckled. "Calm down, Iris." 

"Don't tell me to calm down!" I only giggled and covered my mouth as my tears start to peek from my eyes. "Are you laughing at me?" I inhaled as i laughed and tried desperately to breathe stabledly. "Yes." That was the last word before i fell on the ground slowly dying from my lungs needing more air and stomach tensing up each time. "I'm gonna get the cake now. So don't die on me!" I breathed with a relaxed sigh and return an answer. "Okay. I won't." She hung up after that.

A few seconds later, She came over to babysit him while i had to go to work. "I hate this job so much." She mutter to herself as she parked. She walked in expecting her boss to yell at her for being late again or ask for an explanation. Everyone was getting ready to leave and i stood there confused. "Did i mi-" I was interrupted by sudden congratulations from everyone. They gave me apple pies, orange baby clothing, a few toys for babies, and movies that i know Grayson would enjoy. One person was generous enough to fill me in of what was going on. I nodded in response and returned home with an ear to ear smile.

I unlocked the front door and waltz in. I spied Grayson building the last block of his on top of the tower he had. "Hey!" I greeted him. He looked at me curious at first but a load of estatic energy and ran over to me. "Hi!" I picked him up. He huffed with a smile. How can i not smile at this little cutie? I felt a little sting on my shoulder and flinched. I put Grayson down and realized that it came from him. "I need to file your nails." He shook his head 'no'. "No? What do you mean no?" She smiled. He giggled in amusement and i stuck my head closer to him. "Do you know who you're talking to?" I teased a bit and Grayson licked my nose.

"Cary," I turned away from Grayson and stared up at Iris. "I have something to tell you."

(I got lazy and i didn't want type any more. But anyways, what does Iris have to say? Find out on the next update.)

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