Today is my birthday!!!

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Hello everyone! Today is the day my mother gave birth to me but i don't know what time exactly. Hehehe, sorry. Anyways, i'll be giving you a lil story. (I apologize for the foul language in the song. It's the only song that i could think of and to express my current emotion.)

When i was brushing my teeth, my dad was singing me happy birthday and i was confused. Don't judge me! But i thought i was in some weird dream. I looked around and everything looked normal. I went to school today expecting bad things. I didn't tell anyone that it was my birthday except my friends. So they spread it to their friends and some other people. Eventually, people that i some what know are wishing me happy birthday and singing me happy birthday. I felt a little happy and told two of my teachers (all of my teachers are awesome.) One wished me happy birthday (ELA) the other shouted happy birthday in joy (Theatre arts) and then the class sang me happy birthday. I felt so surprised and happy at the same time.

So,i would feel even more joy if you wished me a happy day of being born and alive for this long! In other words, a happy birthday. Thanks and hope you are enjoying yourself!

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