Daily struggle

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As i was setting up for a drawing tutorial, a screeching cry was heard from my room. I groaned and dragged my feet towards the noise. "I'm coming!" i felt my shoulder and back ache from carrying him to make him fall asleep and setting up the cameras. My baby blue slippers skid on the floor with each step i made.

When i reached his crib, I saw his onesie torn open. I jumped out of my tiredness and picked up the baby crying bloody murder. I held Grayson close to my chest as my other hand supported his head. My heart beating out of my chest at the speed of sound.  My throat thirst for answers and felt dry. My hands sweating and shook like a volcano erupting. I slept with Grayson this time and didn't sleep until 5 in the morning.

The sun slipped through the thin sliced blinds that gave her a dim but luminescence light. It was perfect amount of darkness and natural light for her to ignore. Her alarm clock screamed at her to get up. Her eye lids were stubborn rocks. She turned away from her nagging machine and faced Grayson instead.

His little brown marked nose with cheeks that held freckles as if they were stars. His wavy yet curly blonde hair protected his eyes from the light. His ears flicked as he continued to sleep peacefully. 'You're my little fur angel.' Cary smiled and watched him with soft loving eyes.

A little whine turned into a wail from the cranky awoken baby. She slipped a hand underneath his back and lifted to arch his back to grab his head with her free hand. Her eyes stared down at him with a reflection of the motherly love she provided him 24/7. She sat him down in his highchair as he leaned to the left after i slid the tray on. He watched me walk to the kitchen and grab his food and turned to see him babbling in curiousity.

Grayson wiggled in excitement as Cary opened the little jar of baby food. She dipped the spoon and started to tease him. "Here comes the airplane!" Grayson raised his hands to grab it then fussed when he couldn't reach it. "Okay," She slowly slip the spoon into his mouth. Some of his food spilled and she scooped it back into his mouth. "Ahh. . ." She opened her mouth to show him how it's done. Grayson copied the face that she made and giggled.

Her phone began to chime as she reached into her pocket of her sweatpants and picked it up. "Hello?" She asked trying to sound professional. "Wait. A horse is stuck in a tree?" She stood and turned to her marked calendar. "Oh! I can't." The person on the other line whined for an answer. "I have to take care of my sister's kid." The caller was almost inaudible when she heard that. Then burst to a sudden congratulations. "Yeah, yeah! Um. . ." She faced back to Grayson whose food was spilling out of his mouth. She hurriedly grabbed the spoon and scooped the mess back into his mouth.

"I'm not sure how old he is." She hid her slight panic with a questioned tone. "Okay, okay. I gotta go." She leaned to her left with the phone trying to get the person to hang up. "Bye!" She playfully spoke in a sing song tone. She huffed and looked at the quiet Grayson. "Baaahbaaah." He babbled quietly. She smirked at him and wiggled her finger to his tummy. He giggled in pure joy that made Cary laugh along with him. Grayson slammed his tray like a drum and he start to speak gibberish. Cary copied his unintelligent words and rubbed his nose with hers. He grabbed the corners of her face and closed his eyes and yawned.

She took off the tray and lifted Grayson to her shoulder and he slept. She smiled as her heart burst with pride. 'I'm so proud of myself. Taking care of a. . .baby when i thought i couldn't.' She took notice that he had a small patch of extra hair on his arms. She stared in amusement and wondered if he would change to a cub. His hair stopped when it reached it's limit to his legs. "Huh." She tilted her head in confusion but shrugged it off. Cary had Grayson for almost a week now. Surprising as it is, she knew all his needs and some of his wants.

His ears were a brown tone and his skin was butterscotch covered with little fur on his body. His onesie still seemed to fit him but his nose was black and had the bridge of a humans'. His nails grew a little bit to resemble as claws, but very small. I bid him with a light kiss on his forehead and left the room. It took me a second before i went back and put on gloves on his hands before he scratches himself. I smiled and went over to the little space that had cameras and a piece of paper. I grabbed a pencil that was beside it and started my recording.

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