Life changing

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Years has past since that suspicious person came around and Grayson started growing aware of them. I told him that it was nothing to worry about. I knew that wasn't going to make things better. Instead, I stopped mentioning and worrying about them. It has been a problem fixer for him, but for me. . .

"Mom! We ran out of milk!" I stood up from my bed and walking into the kitchen. "I thought I bought another one." I searched the fridge for another gallon but didn't find one. I sighed and grabbed my wallet with my keys. "Can i come?" Grayson spoke hopefully and gripped on my coat. I placed my hand on his head and chuckled. "Sure. Why not?"

Grayson's face lit up when I finally agreed to let him come with me. I gave him one of my old sweaters that had lots of cotton to make him comfortable in the cold. There was no need for a scarf and mittens since he has fur put I put it in his pockets just in case he shifts forms.

The only thing that worried me, was keeping Grayson in his human appearance. I'm a little scared to send him to school because I'm afraid that he'll get hurt. Good thing that I homeschool him other wise he'll know nothing of the real world. At least he knows more about the world than kids his age going to school.

"Mom." I realized that I was in front of the store and i just stood there looking like an idiot.

"Whoops." Cary took Grayson's hand and gave it a little squeeze. Grayson noticed and looked up at her. "Breathe, mom. Everything is gonna be okay." She nodded and convinced herself with what Grayson had said.

They enter the store and Cary was surprised that everything went well when they left the store. "See? Everything was A okay." He smiled and Cary rubbed his head. "Yeah," She opened the door for Grayson and slid in the car after Grayson. "I really had nothing to worry about." Grayson beamed and looked out the window.

Cary knew that Grayson will eventually want to go to school and feel lonely in a house by himself. She started to have what if's scenerio that distracted her for a moment. "Mom!" She stomped her foot on the brakes when they were at the traffic light.

The tires screeched and both Cary and Grayson jerked as the car stopped. Cary breathed heavily and turned back to face Grayson. "Are you okay?" Grayson stood there calmy and nodded. Cary slowly went back to driving but kept her mind on getting them home.

Iris sat in her room lying on her bed with her legs swinging in the air. "Augh!" She groaned and burried her face on her bed that muffled her words. "Soo bored!" The door open and she didn't even bothered to lift her head. "Eat your food so you won't grow weak."

Iris ignored Ien and continued to groan about how bored she was. Before Ien got close to Iris, she then decided to teleport and Ien stood there dumbfounded. "Did I say something offensive?"

Iris was at the woods where her pack was gathered as she arrived. "Anything?" She asked one of the tracking members. They shook their head no and Iris sighed. "Keep looking. We have to make sure that they're safe." The male wolf nodded and head to the woods with his team.

Iris wandered around the light realm looking for a comfortable spot to either read or draw. "This seems like a good spot." She spoke to herself and sat down lying against the tree that shaded her from the bright sun. She drew a picture of how she would see Grayson grown up. She smiled at her art work but sighed deeply.
"Why did i sent her to the dark realm?"

"Sending me there was an interesting choice alright." Iris instantly stood up and searched the empty trees for the voice. "I know you're here, either you face me or I'll find you myself." She growled threatning the familiar voice. "I rather have you find me first." Iris snarled and lunged herself to where Zari was and she jumped. "Looks like I've already found you." Iris growled as she stepped to the defensless bear. She smirked and jumped off the tree and hit the ground with a cloud of dust.

Iris was a bit shocked but angry that she didn't turn up to face her. "The next time I see her, I'll slice and dice her to pieces." She jumped down the tree swiftly and noticed tracks that lead to the glowing river. She saw the same hooded figure that kept harrassing Cary and Grayson years ago. She crouched down to the grass level that way she wouldn't be seen so easily.

The hooded figure looked around and faced the river and stepped into the river. Before she walked far enough that could reach her face, Iris pounced towards Zari.

Zari cocked her head to the high flying wolf that was above her and ran further into the river. Iris tackled her landind on top of Zari as she gripped her paws on her neck. Zari struggled to get her claws off her neck so she can breathe. She grabs a daggar from her thrown satchel across from her and stabs Iris in the chest. Iris hissed and backed off of Zari and tried to get the daggar out of her bleeding chest.

The dark woods was quiet and the atmosphere was filled with tension. Zari and Iris eyed each other pacing in a circle before charging towards one another. "Has anyone told you that you're too childish sometimes?" Zari insulted Iris and held her sharp dagger towards her with a sly smirk. Iris growled and snapped towards her. "Ooh. I'm so scared." She chuckled and spoke in a sarcastic way.

Iris charged at her with full speed and slashed Zari's shoulder. She landed behind her and Zari groaned holding her shoulder. She quickly threw a knife at Iris' front leg to give her time to escape. She pulled out a flask of ,what Iris assumed, that came from the river and once agian, she dissapeared.

"Tck. Idiot." She limped back to the woods where her pack was. The team that encountered her earlier just came back and ran to Iris. "Are you alright?" The leader of the team asked worried for their Luna. Her legs trembled with each step till she finally collasped to the dusty floor.

Grayson helped Cary with the groceries and Cary put all the ingredients away to their proper place. "That's the last bag." He closed the door and sat the bag on the small marble counter. He took his gloves off and put them in his pocket and hung up his coat. He slid his cold wet boots beside the door where the carpet was for the shoes that were wet or dirty. Cary was taking one food at a time and figuring out where they would belong in the fridge.

"Oh." Grayson thought of an idea and went to his mother with an excited and expecting look. "Is Iris coming over?" Cary continued to look for places for each individual food. "Uh," She thought for a moment and put the yogurt on the door of the fridge. "I'm not sure."

Grayson watched his mother organize each and every food that they bought. She finally finishes putting the groceries away and went into the living room to watch some cartoons. Grayson sat in Cary's lap, excited for the new episode of "We Bear Bears" on the kids channel. He loved watching the adventures that the bears have in each episode.

After the episode ended a loud knock hit the door a couple of times. They turned their attention to the door and Cary got up to see who was waiting impatiently outside. She opened the door and Iris fell on Cary's shoulder. "Whoa. Iris! Are you okay?" She held Iris up to keep her steady.

"I was attacked by some one who harrassed you guys a few years ago." She grunted and everyone was frozen in fear.

To Be Continued. . . .

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