Deep into trouble

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Alitz was getting impatient and worried. Just when he was going to send another one of his searching agents, Ein came through the doors. Finally, someone who knows what they're doing has come. "Ein!" He greeted happily with a real geniune smile. "Alitz," He seemed nervous. What's going on with him?

I chuckled with a nervous smile. "My. . .good man. I. . .have some news for you."

Oh he isn't going to like this. . .

"Whatever is the matter, Ein?" He stood up in his chair and furrowed his brows. "You seem. . .nervous." His gaze turned to suspicion. I could feel my wrist ache already. "Nothing!" He stood there for a moment, silently. Please don't send me to the dungon. He laughed half heartedly and everyone joined in awkwardly. "Of course you wouldn't be nervous!" Oh thank the dark lords of the realm! "Come, I have something important to show you." He gestured me to follow him behind the curtains.

To get rid of the problem, you need a solution. "Do you remember our last and useless assassin?"

Ugh. The thought of her being brought up makes me disgusted. I see why the humans hate them so much. They're so incompitant. Heh. Almost like the bears in their cages of my new collections. "Yeah." I looked at him and noticed something different about him. "Are you alright, Ein?" He adverted his eyes. How. . .rude. "It's Iris isn't it?"

Iris? I turned back immediately at him. "Oh, yeah." I rubbed my neck. Right. I forgot all about the letters. They probably wouldn't take it seriously though. I know I wouldn't. I don't blame them. After all i've done to them. Alitz waved his hand around the shape changing paper. I felt a sudden chill run up my back and my heart thumped into my stomach.

"Seem familiar?"

I could feel his cold and unforgiving aura surround me. "This looks really old. I'm not sure how long it might've been since it was last written." He studied the written paper and gave a long, hard thought about it. "You're right. It looks too scribbly. It must be her." He pounded the table with his fist and growled. Of course she would leave this kind of note. When will she understand? She will be the next ruler in my place. I won't stay for forever.

Just as I was about to enter the door, I heard an annoying cry. Ugh. Why is she so annoying? "Stay away from him!" I waited for them to either try and hit me or guard the door or something stupid. I waited for a few seconds and turned around. "So, what?"

So what? Ooh! She's got another thing coming. Good thing that I have a clone sent back to them and in position for the surprise attack. Gabby didn't waste any time to scratch or at least tried to attack her. "Really?" She took her arm and swung her over and she hit a tree. "Gabby!" She groaned and shook trying to pick herself up.

She laughed historically and summoned a sword that seemed. . .new? Since when does she get access to new swords? "Like my new toy? It was made by your mother's blood." When I heard her say that, something inside me change. She pointed the long and shiny emerald Katana at her. "I think it'll prove worth to me." How could he. . .? I could feel my aura growing stronger. "YOU MONSTER!!!" I could feel a part of me holding  back tears and the other part wanting to tear her limb from limb. "So predictable." She grinned and held out a remote.

Huh? What's that noise? I turned too late to see a wave of electricity with multiple stingers charge at me in full speed. "AHHHH!!!" I fell on my hands and knees, panting. Where did. . .it come from? "All humans are the same." She leaped towards Gabby and tied her up to a tree branch. I tried to signal my clone, but nothing happened. Did it affect my multibility powers? I could sense Gabby's consienceness fading. I looked around to see her on the branch that Gabby was tied to holding the tazer nearby the rope. "No! Don't do it!" She frowned. "Give me one good reason," She changed the setting to fried and it let out a high pitched hum. "That I shouldn't kill her."

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