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We had arrived at the mall and went to go get parking spots, however that took time since it was packed but eventually we got one..............a really far distance from the entrance.

"Walking never hurt anyone right?"David asked , as we have him a disappointed look

I just shook my head and pointed at the mall, signaling them to start walking in. As we entered the twins immediately took off. I slowly trailed off and headed into stores , in after another and entually ended up at Spencer's

"Hello sir "

I looked up at him and just stared and shortly went back to looking around

"Oh, well call me if you need help"he responded a little awkwardness behind his tone

As I looked around i found a few things that got my attention, i got a new jacket, 3 new beanies , a Dragon ball super poster , and 2 set of suspenders. After I payed and took off I ran into Miguel

"Treating yourself huh? " Miguel said smirking

I made a soft smile a nodded. "might as well"

"Glad to hear you talking" he said as he pointed to gamestop "wanna go get some new games? "

I nodded intensely "yes, definitely"

"Knew that was going to catch your attention" he said chuckling

We looked around to see what multiplayer games we can get , we managed to find a few. Kirby : star allies, splatoon 2 , hyrule warriors and dragon ball xenoverse 2. Once we left we did a little more walking and it was noon. We metup with the others and headed out to the food court. I got 2 pizzas for the five of us and we continued to walk around a little longer but we eventually took off.

"Where do we go now? " Ramsey asked

"Well there isn't any good movies going on right now , so i don't think going is gonna be worth it " Miguel responded

"What do you wanna do Greg?" David asked

I was silent for a little bit then I responded "to be completely honest.......i wanna just go home and it's not because of what happened , I just want it to be quiet right now".


Once we arrived back I quickly unlocked the door and booked to my room.

"Greg wait" Irene said but I had already shut the door.

As I took my stuff out I examined it and placed it on my dresser. As I finished putting away my things and rearranging my closet ,I had received a text on my phone.

You feeling better?


Is it okay if I came over?

I don't know to be honest

Did i do something bad yesterday?

No it isn't because of you
It's ......... hard to talk about

Well you don't have to talk about if you don't want to I just want to see if you're doing alright

Okay you can come

Within 5 minutes he had arrived at the cabin door and I went downstairs to meet him.


I smiled and waved ,letting him in. The rest of the family saw him

"Ah so that's how he looks close up" David said scanning him

"What's with you and guys shorter than you Greg" Ramsey asked

"I can picture it "Miguel mouthed

"Seems better than the other one" David added on

The rest went quiet and stared in shock . Irene smacked him across the head. "Idiot why would you say that, you know not to bring him up"

"Not cool David" Miguel responded while Ramsey shook his head in disappointment.

My smile faded away , as I have him a Sad expression.

"Oh Greg I'm sorry , I didn't mean to-"

"Just .......shut up" I said as I left and went to my room with Tyler following.

"What was that all about" he asked as he sat on the bed .

" ..... my ex" I said as annoyance filled my face

"What he do to you?"

I was silent momentarily "even though I was bigger and stronger then him .......he took advantage of me.........he did little things here and there but i wasn't really phased by them .........but then that basterd.....he begun to use my parents as ways to control and that's where I drew the line" as angered filled my voice.

"What did you do?" He added on

"......i made him regret his decisions" my response was I my fist tightened

"Yikes"knowing well aware of what i had done,he didn't want to push the topic more so he changed the topic

"But let's move past that alright"

I loosened my fist and I gave a faint smile "Alright"

"So.......what happened in your dream?"

"I .........um.... promise me you won't think I'm crazy" I said unsure of his response

"I promise it won't change how I think about you"

"Alright" I slowly raised my hand to the back of my neck and rubbed it. I wasn't aware of what to say or how to start it off.

I started taking about everything that happened while I was sleeping , how it was a simple walk through the park, then it had a dark twist to it , my friends getting killed and stoned , and how I was just shot dead. It left him in awe, unaware of how to respond.


"Happens almost once every month , although it's better than when i was younger" I added

"This has been happening to you since you were young? " he asked

I nodded slowly "yeah , I've gotten used to it thought, before when younger I wouldn't even leave my room , I'd completely isolate myself from my family"

"But like have you ever gotten intense one's even as an adult? "

I stared silently , confused about whay he had asked

"Y...yes actually ............how'd you know about that?"

He got uneasy by me asking that , it looked as if he knew I caught onto something.

"W... what do you mean? "

I scanned him briefly and explained "no one really knows about the effects it can cause and how we endure it" I said as I walked over and grabbed one of my books " simplest way to put it I have constant night terrors , although they've become less recent , the impact and intensity can't be controlled from what I've read , I just have to hope it's gonna be a mediocre one like i had the other night" I explained as I showed him the book

" ........ secrets of the mind huh" sounding like he's heard of it

I squinted slightly but moved past his unusual responses.

"What have you seen in them"

He seemed to have an uneasy look in his eyes , like he was afraid of my answer.

"Uh........a man who shared a similar appearance to you" as I said that , he look as if something shocking, yet terrifying hit him "you good Tyler"

"I'm....... Greg .......... I endure the same things as well"

Dream Smashers: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now