15 - Alice

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I was amazed by the size of the room in the hotel. We booked a small room just for the two of us but it was huge. The walls were an embossed beige colour against the dark leather of the furniture and the sheets a perfect white. Then again this was America so of course the rooms would be amazing. The bed was perfectly made and gigantic compared to the measly double we had at the house. I didn't want to think of the cost if we destroyed it.

"We should sleep on the floor tonight," I said to Alec still memorised by the sheer size of the room, "You know ... because of last time."

He smiled at me, snaking his arms around my waist, "Don't you worry." He kissed my neck, "That there is reenforced Nosferatu steel. Even our extreme activities could break that."

"Nosferatu?" I laughed. I turned round in his arms to face him, "As in Dracula."

He smiled, "Just because we are creatures of the night doesn't mean we don't have a sense of humour. And, for the record, Dracula was definitely written by a human. The so called Vampires where such pussys."

"So if I had some Holy Wafer right now you wouldn't shudder away?" I laughed, wriggled from his grasp.

"You're an Angel. Doesn't get much Holier than that," he pointed out.

"Smart arse!" I shot back.

I went over to the window to look out into the strip when Alec grabbed me from behind and twirled me around, making me scream and giggle. We fell backward onto the bed, I rolled out his grasp onto my back. We slowly turned to stare at each other, his hand slowly cupping my cheeks, pulling me in for a soft kiss

"How does it feel to know that in twelve hours we will be married?" He murmured.

"Twelve hours?"

"I'm going by Vegas time so it will be at seven pm," Alec whispered, leaning over and kissing my neck. My skin tingled from his cool lips as they touched my flesh. I shivered slightly at the sharpe shock to the sense, I don't think I could ever get used to our difference in temperature.

"I haven't got a lot of time," I whispered gasping for air. I felt his lips curving into a smile again my neck, "I want to find a dress that will make you cry."

He laughed softly, "I don't have tear ducts. If you make me cry then there is probably something very wrong."

"I feel like I've been issued a challenge," I returned.

"Well I'm turning up to the alter naked," Alec shot back.

I couldn't help but laughed, "Please do!"

He kissed me, "I'll see you later in my birthday suit."


I stared blankly at the wedding dress store. What was I even thinking? I couldn't help the impulsive nature I had yet to control. Knowing Alec was the man from my dreams had being like awaking from a sleepwalk where I was never fully conscious. I couldn't even remain angry at Max for what she did, after what Alec told me she had done it for my safety. But that didn't mean I wanted to see her right now. I couldn't. She would kill me for what I was doing.

I turned away from the shop without going in. It was crazy for me to even consider going in there, this was Las Fucking Vegas. Everything was overpriced and over laced. I walked out the hotel, met with the sudden shock of the heat. Alec remained inside, he couldn't leave in this weather. We were in the middle of a damn desert. I stared at the fountains as I past the hotel before crossed the metal bridge over the road to Caesar's palace. There was a H&M. Less bridal but more affordable.

So many questions still corrupted my thoughts. Among the certainty lay the doubt. The biggest one being in myself. My entire existence opposed everything I believed in, or thought I had believe in. For three days now I had been with a vampire and not stopped to question the fact that supernatural beings existed. I knew that vampires, Angels and Demons existed but what else could? Wolves? Witches? Giants? Aliens? Jesus. And what about Alec? Was he so certain? Was I so certain of him?

Fuck! I walked straight into a rack of clothes. I rubbed my elbow as I looked at the dress on the line. It was a white skater dress with a woven racer back. Lace fell from the mid section to what would be half way down my shin while the material of the skirt fell above the knee. The mid section had a thin band of dark red ribbon, too close to blood. I picked it up off the rack, touching the material as I went into the changing room. I looked at myself in the mirror and swallowed. I never pictured my ideal wedding dress but I was sure this would of been it.


My hair was finally under control in a plait over my shoulder. My make up was staying put. The dark red lipstick matching the colour of the mid section band from the dress. I breathed a sigh of relief. I couldn't help but worry the red was too much, I didn't know how he controlled his thirst. All I knew is I was astounded at the sheer number of vampires working in hotels and on airline so vampires could travel abroad. It was kinda crazy but brilliant at the same time. I always felt weird when they saw me as if trying to figure out where I fitted in to the picture. Alec almost screamed vampire, all I could do was hope I didn't scream Angel.

There was a sudden knock at the door, making my heart pound. I gingerly placed my hand on the door as I peered into the look out hole. I sighed in relief, my smile splitting in stupidity. It was just one of the staff.

"Miss Roslin?" He asked, holding out a long thin bronze box.

I smiled before handing him a few dollars, "Thank you."

He smiled, turning away. I slowly closed the door and placed the box on the bed. I gently pulled off the lid, my lips splitting into an uncontrollable smile. Inside was four forget me knots and an iris. The forget me knots I placed gently into the folds of my hair, the iris into the middle of our bed. Our.

Beneath the flowers was a thinly folded letter. I recognised Alec's cursive immediately and could feel the warm glow inside that I had felt a million times over at his old fashioned gesture.

I'm going to say I love you for the last time. I love you Alice Roslin. I will never say those words again. Once at the East Chapel and I can tell you the words I am going to say to you for the rest of time.

Closing the letter, I left it on the glass table by the window. Looking out at the strip once more, I licked my lips and turned away. It was time for my life to begin, as ridiculous as it seemed. I closed the door behind me. Wandering towards the lift I ignored the eyeing glances I kept receiving, instead choosing to stare at my white shoes. Instead of heels I went with white wedges, the wedge woven with brown string giving it a coastal feel. I would be lying if I said I wasn't fighting the nerves within, but also the excitement. So many things were new and uncertain but this was certain. Part of me knew that every time he looked at me Alec would be thinking of our past, a past I would never fully be part of as I was now, but I was going to be his future and he was to be mine. I stopped outside the chapel doors, unsure of what to do.

"Miss Roslin?" A women in a tight black dress stood to my. I nodded gingerly. "Mr Knight is waiting inside. You can go in."

I exhaled. This is the moment. I pushed open the doors.

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