19 - Alec

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My fingers trembled as I punched in Max's number. Alice's moaning, desperate to hold back the scream tore at me like claws to my heart. The seconds dragged on before the ringing finally stopped and Max's voice came onto the phone.

"Max get over here now!" I screamed.

"Holy shit Alec!" She shouted, a mixture of anger and panic, "What the fuck is going on."

"No time. Just do it!" I could feel my body shaking, "Alice is in a shit ton of pain and needs help!"

"Ok fine I'll be there ASAP," she hung up.

The last thing I needed right now was Max barging in But what choice did I have? Fuck what I needed, Alice needed help. I knelt next to her, her head on my knees and her hand gripping mine like a vice to the point I could almost feel pain. I wanted to block her pain, take it on myself so she could be free.

"Hold on baby!" I murmured, "It will be over soon."

"Am....I.....dying?" She breathed, tears erupted from her eyes that were bloodshot to hell.

"No baby. You won't die on me," I kissed her gently, "You will be fine."

Max dropped onto the patio and her wings rolled into her shoulders. She slammed her weight into the glass, fragments shattering like an avalanche. She dropped besides Alice and I, pushing me out the way. Max placed her hand gently on Alice's head, her halo pulsating it's blinding light. Alice's moans gradually diminished and the convulsing stopped. Her body lay still, her chest unmoving on the floor.

"What...what..what the f..."

"She is in a coma," Max replied simply, "It is so she can't feel the pain. We have about twenty minutes max before I have to bring her back out."

"Fine. Do whatever. Just help her," I pleaded.

"Let's get her upstairs."

I picked up my wife and carried her into the bedroom. I gently laid her on the bed before retreating back, slumped against the wall while Max did her thing. Her wings unfurled at once and her halo radiated it's light once more. Her eyes closed beneath flickering eyelids. It took every fibre of my being to not pull her away. The was the exact situation we had been in three years ago.


"Alec you have to promise me you will not follow me. You won't look for me," she begged.

"You know I can't," my voice raw with the crushing of my heart, "I can't promise."

"You have to otherwise this will be for nothing!" She shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Alice I don't want to do this again," Max whimpered, "We have just got you back I can't..."

"I can't see you two get hurt because of me!" She replied stubbornly, "I pushed Dravon. This is on me. If I can't remember they can't use me to hurt either of you. We may have a chance at safety."


"You have to move on Alec."

"What?" I choked.

"You can't wait for me again," she swallowed, "If you do it will kill us both emotionally. Let this be be last time."

"So I just ignore all of our lives together? I just..."

"Yes damn it!" She screamed. She breathed, "I can't lose you for good."


I resurfaced from my memory. They played over and over like a record on repeat. My personal hell. Max was still within Alice's psyche, her eyes now open and blazing. I knew both she and Alice would resurface soon, I only hope that there wasn't some clause somewhere encoded within Angels that they die when married to a Vampire.

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