16 - Alec

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As she walked down the isle, I couldn't help but stare at her. She looked gorgeous in the dress that emphasised her curves that I so loved to stroke and wrap my arms around. The red of the mid section brought out the colour in her now tamed hair. Her lips looked so kissable and were plastered into a smile. I loved her. I wanted her. I wanted to marry her. I wanted to marry Alice Roslin.

She unsteadily strode toward me and I caught her by the arm.

"You still wanna do this?" I asked her, supporting her by the waist.

"I've go the dress, the ceremony and the handsome man," she laughed, "I think I'm damn sure about this! I have been for a while."

I smiled at her before leaning to whisper in her ear, "I'm glad you said that because I've already planned the nights activity."

She bit down on her bottom lip. I secretly wished I was the one doing so.

"That's such a turn on." She whispered back.

The minister turned to face us. She was old; her hair was cut short and permanently a silvery grey. She smiled warmly at us. That was when I noticed Alice notice her eyes. They were a dangerous shade of orange. She was a vampire.

"Straight on with it then," she said, "Do you, Alec Knight, take this women, Alice Rose, to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold. To love and the cherish. In sickness and in health. For richer or for poorer. For blood or for water?"

I smiled and simply said, "I do."

I meant every word I was saying. I couldn't imagine loving anyone else but Alice, despite how sappy that sounded. I was over three billion years old and had known and loved Alice for most of that time so it was about time this was official. I glanced at Alec and she looked a little freaked out by what was being said. I squeezed her hand to reassure her; it brought her back to Earth in time to her the minister ask, "For richer or for poorer. For blood or for water?"

"Oh fuck yes!" she said automatically.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," she said, "You have to drink from the bride."

I could practically hear her heart skipping beats in anticipation of wondering if I would actually do it. I smiled at her and laughed internally to myself. I would never hurt her in a million years.

I leaned forward and my lips came towards Alice's neck. She tilted her head to allow me to. My lips curved into a smile as I leaned closer it her neck. My lips touched her skin and I simply kissed her. I worked my way up her neck before I found her lips and kissed them, gently cradling her cheeks. I enjoyed her soft lips attached to mine. I loved the relief that swept over her. 

"We are already joined by blood, minister," I said when I pulled away. The woman raised her eyebrow, "Despite what you may think, she saved my life."

The women laughed, "Alec dear I knew you wouldn't do it."

I laughed and hugged the women. I was glad she was the one to wed us, "Alice this is my aunt, Myrtle. Didn't recognise you after your draining." Alec said. 

"Draining?" Alice asked. Curiosity escaped her lips, "Your power was taken away?"

Myrtle smiled, "Sad but true. I was a vampire and Alec came to me to learn to control his power. After VORT found out what happened between you two, they linked Alec back to me and drained me of my power because I refused to tell them where you were. It hurt but was worth it. I'm glad you're now finally married!"

"I'm so sorry," Alice whispered. I could hear the guilt in her voice.

"Why?" she asked, "It was my choice. Wouldn't change it for the world. Anyway you two off to your room. This may have killed the mood but you have a marriage to celebrate!"

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