18 - Alice

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Alec walked slightly ahead as he unlocked the apartment door. He had been tense the entire flight home and was still so now. I was just scared. I knew nothing of the power the three rulers had but I understood that we had just mightily pissed them off. He knew. He knew what would happen were we found. That was what raged in his mind. But I was determined not to let one man ruin our marriage after only one day. He could take our lives but he would never take that from us. Jesus, I never thought I would become a cliche but what could I do? I couldn't see up pulled apart. Not now.

"Wait!" I cried.

Alec turned to face me, one foot almost inside the door. I smiled at him, making his crease in his brow diminish slightly.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked.

"Don't think so," he replied.

I rolled my eyes, "You are suppose to carry your new bride across the threshold."

"You don't really want to do that?" He smiled.

"I'm waiting."

He rolled his eyes at me before picking me up, cupping my arse as I wrapped my legs around him. I kicked open the door, carrying both me and the bags. I laughed as he struggled before looking at Alec and I planted my lips solidly on his. He dropped the bags and pushed the door closed as He sandwich me between himself and the hard wood. I could feel his muscles slowly relaxing, only tensed enough to hold me up.

"I love you," I murmured.

"I love you too," he sighed, "I'm sorry I ruined our honeymoon."

I smiled, "I don't care. But....you can make it up to me by carrying me into the bedroom and making love to me until I pass out."

Alec laughed. Oh sweet relief! "Babe you know I would but I really gotta go out and grab a bit to eat. You want me to pick you up anything."

I sighed and untangled my legs from his body, to be standing on the ground, "Nah it's fine. I'll see what's in the fridge."

"What's wrong?" He asked. His hand held my cheek. His hand burned my flesh. Yet I nuzzled in.

"Nothing," I replied, "Just be careful on the hunt."

He smiled, "I'm going to the hospital. They always have spare blood on hand."

He turned to leave, "Alec!"

"Yeah," he turned back around.

"Why don't we arrange to take my blood," I said slowly, "that way we have some bags on hand."

He sighed and held my cheeks in his palms, "Alice that's a nice idea but Angel blood is too pure. I can only just control myself around you but if I drink pints of your blood....." He trailed off, "one day a pint won't be enough."

"I know," I smiled weakly, "it was just an idea."

He smiled at me. His eyes full of concern, "I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed my forehead before racing out the flat.

One second he was there. The next he was gone. I sighed as I sank into the chair. I guess the dream was broken now we were home and we didn't have supplies of blood on hand. I didn't object to his drinking of human blood, God didn't ever since he started on his second universe project as humans in this one were too busy trying to find the answers using science and reason rather than blind faith. I guessed I just wasn't quite ready to conclude our sex holiday.

And so it begins. The rest of my life with a vampire, I smiled to myself, I'm gonna love every minute.


"Nothing on TV?" I jumped to my feet as Alec spoke. I hugged him tightly, "Sorry I was so long. It took me ages to get in."

"You scared the shit out of me," I breathed, "Stop being so quiet or I'll put a fucking bell round your neck."

I flopped back onto the sofa only to have Alec stroking my shoulders as well as planting small kisses along the pathway of his hands. I couldn't help but smile as he apprehensively planted a kiss on my neck. Alec twisted my ponytail within his fingers before gently pulling my head back and kissed me.

"Alec!" I squealed.

He vaulted over the sofa, landing in the seat next to me before pulling me back onto his lips. I couldn't help but giggle like a school girl as he placed me, straddled, across his lap. His hand traced my body over my shirt. I fisted the sofa as my breathing became ragged from his rough touch.

"I'm wearing too much clothing," I moaned tugging at his v neck, "So are you!"

Alec relented and removed his top, "I now see the feisty side everyone sees."

"Only for you baby," I moaned.

His left hand wriggled up my shirt, stroking my back. The cool metal of his ring raised slightly against his hand. His right slowly unbuttoning my clothes as his lips traced my freshly exposed collar. I flung the item off and his hands slowly fell to my thighs, his ring flashing in the falling sunlight. I picked up his hand and kissed his palm, his fingers, his ring.

"I never want to stop feeling that ring on my body," I told him, placing it back on my thigh, "It proves you are mine."

"I've always been yours," he kissed my neck, "Always."

A pang in my stomach hit me, I tried to ignore it, the flipping and beating, as I focused on Alec's touch. It throbbed like a knife to the gut. I grasped my stomach a moan escaping my lips. Alec's hands held my arms, his eyes misting over with concern.

"Alice? Alice what's wrong?" He trembled.

"I....don't....don't know....fuck..." I winced.

"I'm calling Max," he placed me flat on the sofa as he rummaged for my phone.

"No..." I moaned, "Don't..."

"Alice. Fuck what she thinks. This is serious!" His hands trembling. I screamed.

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