20 - Alice

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Oh shit! After everything, the last thing we thought of was condoms!

All I could feel was a coldness coursing through my veins. Max had been in my head. She grew sloppy when she found out I was knocked up and I had wanted to just scream. I understood now why this was such a huge fuck up. If I was having a Angel baby it would need to feed off divinity, which I was lacking without my halo, or if it was a Vampire baby then it needed constant blood, which meant I had to drink extra blood supplies which was fatal to me. And if it was a hybrid, then I didn't know what it could do.

I was such a fucking idiot. We hadn't even considered the possibility of children. There was no form of abortion that Angels could survive. I didn't even think about whether or not Alec was fertile. I guess I had just assumed he wasn't? Or maybe I just didn't care. Besides, contraception for our species wasn't exactly on the market, there was so little need for it. The door slowly opened and Alec staggered in, his eyes unfocused as sat down at the edge of the bed next to me. He was shocked and scared, that much was obvious.

"Alec I'm so sorry. I...."

He held his hand up to silence me. His red eyes darkened and his skin had paled. His hair was tousled from running his hands through it. He held my hand.

"I'm sorry," he sighed, "I've ruined your life."

"What?!" I breathed, "No no no! You've given me a life!"

"Alice you will die giving birth to this.....thing.....that is if you survive the next nine months. Then when you are dead VORT will slaughter it because it's new and unpredictable," he cried. He gripped his head in his hands, "I am an idiot!"

"Alec please! Don't think like that! I could be a lucky one and live," I reminded him.

He snorted, "Lucky? You met a Vampire, fell in love, almost died thousands of times and now you're eternally bonded to a fucking Vampire and pregnant with....I don't even know what!"

Alec kicked the chair that sat at the desk. It broke from the force of the kick before it hit the opposite wall. He was stood up panting heavily. I flinched and turned away. His knuckles whiter than usual as his fists tightened.


He shouted so loud that the photos shook on the walls and then punched waredrobe which shuddered before collapsing, sending wood and clothes scattered along the floor. I sat there in bed panting in fear, my knees clenched to my chest, subconsciously protecting my child. I had never seen him so pissed off. He noticed my fear and instantly calmed down.

"Alice.... I'm so sorry," my husband whispered, "I'm pissed at myself. I should have been more careful."

I held out my hand to him which he took. His cold skin was smooth under mine. I shuffled over in bed and held open the covers for him to get in. I snuggled closer into him. He kissed the top of my head.

"Alec I love you and I know you love me. So we messed up and I'm pregnant but that's a miracle in itself," I smiled, "Angels aren't made to have children so even if you were an Angel too there is a high risk I could die. Look at your mum though. You laying here next to me is proof that it is possible I could carry an Angel or even a Vampire and survive! I'm not saying it's ideal or going to be easy but at least it's possible."

Alec sighed, "Even so, I don't want you to have to go through that!"

"At least I've got you through out it all," I reminded him.

He kissed the top of my head and pulled me in closer. His body was tense against mine. I straddled him and snuggled into him to reassure him.

"I love you," he murmured.

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