Chapter 3: First Contact Gone Wrong...

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Ruby's POV:

We were walking back through the forest, having collected the sap needed for Professor Peaches class when we heard a Thundering roar coming from the sky and saw what looked like a meteorite of some kind come falling out of the sky and crash deeper into the forest.

Ruby: "Did you guys see that..." I gasped as I had an AWSOME idea.

Ruby: "We should go check it out! Who knowns what we'll find!" I turned towards the smoke trail now coming out of the forest only to have Yang grab the back of my hood and pull me back.

Ruby "Ow...Ow...Ow" I whispered.

Yang: "Whoa there sis! You need to calm down..." she said as she smiled.

Yang: "...Because I'M going to get there FIRST!" she said before running off towards the smoke trail.

Ruby: "HEY! NO FAIR! CHEATER!!" I called as I ran after her, using my semblance to catch up.

Yang: "NOW who's cheating?" she grinned.

As we got closer we heard something that I wish I hadn't. It was... I don't know what it was... but it was very, VERY angry from the sounds of the bellow that echoed through the forest.

???: "YOU SHALL DIE FOR THAT, BEAST!" the roar seemed to come from just up ahead. I looked at Yang and she looked at me, and for the first time that I could remember, it looked like she was scared. But, she didn't let it show for long, as she smiled at me and we heard Blake and Weiss catch up to us. Blake seemed fine, while Weiss ad her hands on her knees and was panting heavily.

As we reached the clearing we all stood in shock as an armoured... Thing, squared off against an Alpha Beowulf. The thing was a little smaller than the Beowulf, a tell tail sign that it wasn't Human, as well as the fact that it's legs were triple jointed and its feet ended in two large toes as well as it's hand only had four fingers.

Suddenly the Thing took its glowing sword-looking thing and placed it against its chest, the tips facing up towards the sky. As the Beowulf got ready to pounce I was about to grab Crescent Rose, and attack the Beowulf, when in one motion, it lifted its sword in an upwards arc as the Beowulf pounced, splitting the beast in half, before returning to its previous pose.


The thing suddenly turned and stared at us. It was then that I noticed that it had what looked mandibles and multiple scars on it's face, indicating previous fights.

By then Weiss and Blake had caught up to us and we all proceeded to stare at the... Thing.

As it turned, I then noticed the dead body of a man laying nearby and I felt sick, as the body was so badly maimed it was almost impossible to tell if it had been a man or a woman.

As the thing kneeled down beside the body of the fallen man it grabbed what looked like dog tags and placed them around its neck before murmuring something and closing the man's eyes.

It turned back to look at us and us to look at it. I felt awkward so I cleared my throat and spoke.

Ruby: "I'm sorry you lost your friend..." I said as I took a step forward, but in the blink of an eye it had its sword thing pointed directly at me.

???: "Stay away from me, Demon..." it growled in a low and threatening voice that immediately made me tense up.

It sighed and turned to leave... only to find Yang in its way.

Ruby: 'Oh no...'

Yang: "Did you just threaten my little sister?" She asked clenching her fists and it looked like her hair was starting to glow, indicating that she was mad.

But the thing didn't look phased at all, in fact it looked like it had been... amused.

???: "It wasn't a threat..." it growled as it walked past her shoving her, as it went, " was a warning for the future..."

Yang's eyes suddenly turned red, and she cocked Ember Celia, the creature stopped sighed and in the blink of an eye, had turned and roundhouse kicked Yang to the right, into a tree with a sickening CRACK!

Ruby: "YANG!!" I cried out to her but she didn't answer.

I felt tears running down my face and readied my Crescent Rose for combat in its scythe mode. The creature simply sighed and took out a metal, grey handle, and with a flick of it's wrist, a blade extended from the handle.

???: "So be it..." it growled and readied its newly formed sword for battle, that was until a Deathstalker came barrelling into the clearing.

It screeched in fury and charged straight towards the creature. It simply scoffed and charged straight at it.

???; "I WILL BURN YOU ALL!!" it roared, as it ran straight at the deathstalker and took off its belt what looked like a sort of blue clamp looking thing and pointed it at the deathstalker. Blue glowing lights were shot out of the clamp looking thing and the deathstalker stopped in its tracks and covered its face as the blue pellets peppered its pincers and it roared in pain.

The creature proceeded to jump over its pincers and stab its sword into the deathstalkers head. The beast gave one final screech before falling to the ground and disintegrating under the creature's feet.

Third person POV:

Ruby: "Whoa... that. was. AMAZING!!" I gasped.

Blake: "Impressive... but also a little too reckless..." Blake commented.

Yang: "Ow... my hea... Whoa..." yang said while rubbing her head.

Weiss: "He has no combat style, no tactics, no strategic mind at all!" Weiss yells.

RBY: "You scared you won't be able to beat him in a fair fight?" the others looked at her, with eyebrows raised.

Weiss: "Uh HELLO IT KNOCKED OUT YANG, YANG OF ALL PEOPLE WITH A SIMPLE ROUNDHOUSE KICK TO THE HEAD, he's a brute, nothing more..." she stops as she notices that everyone is wide eyed and staring behind her, at the towering Creature behind her. She slowly turns to see him staring down at her, his golden eyes burning with rage.

Lur' Thress: "If you wish to continue Breathing, then I suggest you stop comparing me to the Brutes..." the elite growled at the white-haired girl.

Suddenly, several purple beams of energy came out of the forest and hit Thress right in the armoured chest and unarmoured part of his shoulders, sending him flying back into a tree, before the beams surrounded the tree and turned into a large coil of purple chains. He grunted and struggled against his chains, making progress, until they tightened him against the tree.

Lur' Thress: "RELEASE ME AT ONCE, DEMON!" he bellowed at the woman who came out of the forest with a kind of horse whip in her hand pointed at him.

The woman simply pushed her glasses back up her nose, while she was distracted Thress activated his Energy Sword and sliced the tree in half, making the chains loosen enough for him to escape their grip.

As his feet landed on the ground, he noticed the blue blood that was dripping out of his shoulder wound. Every thing went red, he looked at the woman with a look of absolute loathing, he dropped his Energy Sword on the ground, alongside it he dropped his plasma rifle. He then proceeded to throw his head and hands back into the air and gave a bellow of pure, unbridled rage.

He turned to look at the woman and she seemed... shocked by the sudden outburst but was even more shocked when he charged straight at her roaring his rage, his mandibles fully apart and fists clenched as he charged.

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