Chapter 11: To Find a Relic...

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Thress POV

As the Bird Grimm approached him, thinking him to be an easy meal, he had an idea. A stupid, and most likely to end with some broken bones, but a plan none the less.

As he was flung towards the Bird, he activated both his Energy Dagger on his left hand, and his Energy sword in his right. As the bird got closer he pulled back his arms and prepared to strike the creature.

There was a screeching sound behind him and he knew that there was a second Bird Grimm behind him, but he kept his focus on the one in front of him.

At the last possible second, Thress flung his hands out in front of him in a jabbing motion, with all his strength. The Bird screeched in pain as it was basically hit by a speeding bullet, in the shape of a pissed off alien with weapons of pure energy.

The Bird hit the ground HARD, it was enough to make a small crater, but Thress had leaped off of the Bird in mid-air and combat rolled as he hit the ground and took off running towards the clearing he had spotted from the air, narrowly avoiding the Razor feathers that the second Bird Grimm flung at him to avenge its fallen comrade.

As he was running he took out his plasma rifle and released a barrage of plasma at the pursuing Grimm, but to no avail as it ducked and dodged almost all of his attacks, with some hitting their mark, but they only seemed to infuriate the beast more.

Lur' Thress: "ALRIGHT, NO MORE RUNNING!!!" he roared as he slowed down, his anger and rage boiling at the pointlessness of this chase, it was just wasting his time.

Thress felt the Cleansing Flames wash over his hands and feet, their touch was both gentle and rough at the same time but was warm and welcome as well. Using the flames on his feet he launched himself at the Grimm, he reared back his right hand in a punch.

Catching the beast off guard, by the sudden aggressive change in its prey's behaviour, he barrelled into the Beasts neck, and started to punch the beast multiple times over until it started to loss altitude and begin a swan dive towards the ground in an attempt to dislodge its unwanted passenger.

Thress was beyond angry at this point, at this point he was basically spitting fire. As he held onto some of the feathers on the beast's neck, he continued to punch it, before a better idea came to mind.

He slowly released his grip on the beast's feathers, grabbing his energy sword at the same moment. As he fell down the length of the beast, he slashed his sword down it's body and wing, effectively crippling the winged beast.

The creature screeched in pain as it's wing fell from its body, disintegrating in mid-air as the beast fell towards the ground. It landed with a loud THUD! On the ground, causing a small crater where it had landed, crushing and uprooting nearby trees. As the beast tried to get up, it was immediately axe-kicked by a falling Thress, transferring all of the energy of his fall into a single attack. This deepened the crater and sent more trees and dirt flying in all directions.

As the dust cleared, only one was standing, covered in a light armour of Crimson flames. As Thress took deep breaths to calm himself, he felt the flames calm and disperse into the air.

Once he had calmed down, he took a moment to get his bearings, only to notice that he had arrived at his destination and that there were the relics right in front of him.

The only thing that stood in the way was a strange glyph that was hovering over the relic's podium. As Thress approached the glyph, he suddenly felt himself become lighter and looked down to realise that he was floating on a platform of crimson fire.

Before he could wonder what was going on, the glyph expanded and formed a console in front of him, with an Sanghelli hand print in the dead middle. He felt something inside him calling to him, to press his hand on the console.

Then it hit him as he took a step back from the console, his flames still under his feet as he backed away from the symbol.

It was Forerunner.

If he translated it correctly, it was the Forerunner word for 'Chosen'.

But chosen for what is what he wondered to himself about as he took a step towards the console and placed his hand on the console and a light appeared from the ruined temple, and a hidden door opened up in the centre of the old temple's carved, stone floor.

He felt a rush of new energy as he approached the hole in the temple's floor, which now that he could see it better, hadn't been opened in a looooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnng time.

As he started down the steps, he felt a presence watching him. As quick as a snake, he had his Plasma rifle in hand and his energy sword in the other, pointed toward the quiet forest.

He saw a flash of black, maroon-red with a side of platinum white and gold disappear further into the forest, but decided against following it, as he had wasted enough time as it had been.

He picked up the black Bishop piece and place it to the magnetic lock on his belt, before continuing deeper into the tunnel.

(A/N) Sorry again for the short chapter but, I couldn't think of anything else to add to the chapter. Does anyone have any ideas as to who the mysterious watcher is? Leave a comment as to who you think it could be.

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