Chapter 21: monkey Games...

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Thress POV

It had been a month since my fight with Team BIKR, and they had been expelled for 'Excessive drug use' and 'Bulling/provoking other students'.

In that time, I had become closer to Teams RWBY, JNPR and my own, SLVR.

In the month I had modified and talked 'shop' about my weapons with Ruby, studied with Weiss in order to understand some of this world better, read and traded several... interesting books with Blake, sparred repeatedly with Yang, helped Pyrrha with training Jaune in hand-to-hand and swordsmanship, meditated with Ren to try to get better control over my semblance, and had eating contests with Nora...

With her unsurprisingly winning all of them.

With my own team however, things were more complicated...

Six/Thress: (YELLING) "YOU DID WHAT!!!!" we both roared at Vera as she hid under Roland's bed, to escape the tidal wave of objects being thrown at her.

Vera: (TERRIFIED) "IT WAS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!!" she yelled back, poking her head out from under the bed, only to duck back under when Six threw a chair at her exposed head.

Vera: (MUFFLED) "OH, COME ON! WHAT'S WITH THE CHAIRS!! WHAT DID THEY EVER DO TO YOU!!!" she shouted from under the bed, before I lifted it up and six grabbed her by her wolf ears and yanked her up to her eye level.

Lur' Thress: "WHAT WAS RULE THREE?!?" I roared at her, as she flinched at the pain in her wolf ears from Six's iron grip.

Roland: "Could you three keep it down... I'm trying to slee-HOLY CRAP, SINCE WHEN DID MY BED FLOAT!!!" he shouted as he realised that his bed was being held up several feet in the air by a pissed off Elite.

Lur' Thress: "Huh...oh... sorry." He muttered as he placed the bed and its terrified occupant down, before turning his attention back to the Sneaky, little Faunus.

Six: "Why would you set us up on a date that neither of us wanted to go on?!?" she roared, as a blush appeared on both her and Thress' faces, luckily for Thress, he was behind her so she didn't see him blushing just as badly as she was at the mention of a 'date'.

Six/Thress: 'I had been thinking about asking him/her out... but it's stupid, were different species and we tried to kill each other at one point... no, it would never work...' they both thought glumly, as the kept an angry glare at Vera, who Six had released and now was staring at the two warriors.

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