Chapter 9: Can't Stand Bullies, or Vow breakers...

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Thress POV

As Thress entered the cafeteria, all the voices suddenly died and he felt everyone's eyes on him. He recognised a few of them, like the girls he 'met' in the Forest of Forever Fall, but he couldn't see Six or the rest of his 'team' in the building.

As he walked past some of the students he could pick up some of their not-so-hushed whispers.

"There he is..."

"What is it..."

"It's even uglier than a Faunus..."

"What is it even DOING here..."

"What was Ozpin thinking, letting that THING into beacon..."

He simply huffed and spoke out to the entire room.

Lur' Thress: "If you are going to speak ill of me..." he said loud enough so that all of them could hear him, "Perhaps it is better to do so when I am not within earshot?" he smirked as the entire room fell dead silent, except for a brown-haired boy in heavy armour.

Brown-haired boy: "Why are you here, you four-mouthed freak?" The boy said crossing his arms and a small smirk crossing his face.

Oh, what I wouldn't give to knock that smug look off his face. I then noticed he was death staring a nearby girl with bunny ears. I saw this, and immediately curl my hands into fists, cracking them loud enough to draw the boy's attention back to me.

???: "Cardin, remember what I warned you about..." a blonde-haired boy just comes into my peripheral vision as I continue to glare at this 'Cardin' character.

Cardin: "Oh, be quiet Jaune, I promised not to torment anyone that was at beacon at the time of our little 'chat'..." he said chat like it was sour in his mouth "But this freak is new, and so our little deal is now null and void, at least when it comes to this punk..." he finished with a smile.

He was surprised when I started to laugh.

And as my laughter grew louder and louder, his temper grew more and more unstable.

Cardin: "What are you laughing at you FREAK!" he said as he swung a fist at me. He was more than a little surprised when I caught it like it was nothing and while I was still laughing.

Lur' Thress: "Please, I've fought Grunts that were more intelligent than you..." I said as I started to crunch his hand in my iron-like grip.

As his hand started to break from the pure pressure that my strength was delivering into his hand, he flinched, but immediately tried to hide it.

Suddenly, I punched him in the face with my free, right hand, sending him flying/backflipping across the room and into the wall, leaving a large crater in the wall as he fell to the ground, and slowly got up to glare at me with absolute loathing.

As I started towards him, my arms outstretched to my sides as  I roared a challenge to him, making him flinch once more.

Lur' Thress: (ROARING) "GIVE ME A CHALLENGE, YOU PATHETIC CREATURE!!!" I roared loud enough for my voice to echo around the room.

Soon the entire room had erupted into a massive free-for-all. I was pummeling people left and right, jabbing, faking and kicking people into others. Cardin and his team immediately rushed me, trying to use numbers against me.

That was a mistake...

Immediately I was attacked by a male with a green Mohawk, trying to break past my defenses with multiple kicks and punches, in rapid succession. I blocked one of his kicks with my left wrist and quick, as a snake, had grabbed his ankle in my right. He looked at me with his eyes going wide as I said two words.

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