Chapter 3 - Telling the Truth

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[TJ's POV]

Its been 2 months since what happened at the studio.

I wanted to talk to Farren, sicne she looked like she was going to have some sort of attack after Celeste said Ghost was her dad.

Why did I have a feeling that was a lie?

"You should probably talk to her and hear the truth from her. Because sounds like everyone is hiding something," Georgette suggested.

I was in Los Angeles for a bit, since tour ended, but was scheduling a flight to Scranton to talk with Farren and the guys.

I decided to ask Georgette about it, since I've told her about Farren and she didn't mind at all that I cared about an old friend. Georgette isn't really the jealous girlfriend type. She's cautious, yes, but she's still pretty chill. Since she's visiting some folks out of state, I was asking her through Skype.

"Yeah, you're right. You know, you don't seem bothered that I'm nonstop thinking about a girl I had a one night stand with 5 years ago," I said. 

She shrugged in the webcam. "I just want you to be happy, and you seem like you just want to make things right, which is fine by me. I trust you, you know that right?" she said.

I smile and nodded. "Thanks babe. I should get going so Craig can drop me off at the airport. See you soon," I said.

"Bye babe. Call me when you land," she said, blowing a kiss at the camera before hanging up.

I shut off my laptop and put it in its case before grabbing my suitcases and walking downstairs to where Craig waited with Leila.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah, let's go," I said as we walked out.

I still wonder what's going on. What are they all hiding??

[Farren's POV]

I called Ghost to watch Celeste while I went to my chemotherapy appointment.

Since today left me totally drained, I'm calling in sick for the next 3 days and cancelling any photgraphing appointments due to my health.

Let me start by saying it as awful. I'm guessing the cancer is worse than expected, considering I am literally vomitting a billion times during it, most of it being blood, and I can also feel my hair come loose from my scalp.

I got home and looked in the mirror, seeing I've gotten skinnier and paler, dark circles in my eyes, my hair looking thinner and getting to a point where i need to wear hats.

Its as if that needle is sucking the life out of you instead of giving you the little boost you need to live even a week longer.

I sighed, and just decided to lie down.

What will happen when I tell TJ? What if he gets mad and never talks to me again.

I just broke down into tears. I love him so much, but I left him behind for a reason, and that's so he won't get hurt. 

And I don't want to imagine Celeste once I'm gone.

What if I do leave her with one of the guys? What if she ends up being taken away and put with horrible strangers in a foster home?? 

Oh God, why must this happen? Why couldn't I have died old and tired?! Or when Celeste was old enough to manage on her own at least?!

I'm not ready to die! I used to want to, but now I realize I shouldn't die.

I can't die! Not like this!

I kept crying, hoping Ricky didn't walk in on me.

I hated it when he saw me crying, because then he cried, and I always hate that. It breaks my heart seeing him even shead a tear.

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