You're Kidding Right?

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Dipper was still dizzy but he manage to open his eyes slowly. He can hear voices but he wasnt sure who they belong

"This is your fault!"

"My fault i didnt do anything!"

"Yeah be the victum uuhh but because of you this happened!!"

"Will you stop blaming this on me you did something too!"

"Um guys.."

"Oh yeah i did something like what"

"Dony play dumb you triggered him!"


"Triggered him?! He started it!!"

"Yeah cause you were like what..JEALOUS"




"Look dipper's waking up

Dipper rubbed his eyes and tried to look at whats going on. Gideon tapped dippers shoulder. Dipper, whos vission is still blurr looked. Gideon smiled.

Dipper rubbed his eyes again until he had a full vision of Gideon and screamed. Dipper fell off at the bed he was on. He looked up and saw mabel, pacifica and gideon

"Wha-what?! Where am i? Why am i here?!" Dipper looked to his right and pointed to gideon"why is he here?!" Gideon point to himself and had a 'what the fuck ya talkin about' face

"You seriously dont remember?" Mabel asked walking toward dipper and putting him back to the bed

"Do i look like i have ANY IDEA WHAT THE ECK HAPPEN?!"

"Hays.. you passed out"

Dipper looked at mabel for a second and tried to recall what at happen before he passed out. And memories of him name came flashing back. His eyes widen and pointed to gideon again

"You!! You did this to me!! Im gonna-" dipper tried to reach gideon but he stood up amd dipper fell. "Argh.. aw.." dipper said holding to his chest.

Gideon ce rushing to dipper but dipper just slapped his hands off him. Mabel came and helped him up to the bed, sitting him down

"Mabel.. lets go home.. i cant handle this.. freaks" dipper said glaring at gideon. Mabel just sighed and stood up

"Thats just the problem dear brother.. youre not going anywhere"

"Im sorry..WHAT?" Mabel looked at dipper with annoyance and dipper have the look of fear.

"Since you are weak and sorta lose your powers you cant go home..because of the chant we made.. so youre staying here.."

"You're kidding right?" Dipper looked at mabel with fear but all he got was the face of forgiveness. "Mabel!! You cant be serious?!"

"I am dipper! But dont worry youre gonna be fine here!" Mabel said putting both of her hands on dippers shoulders

"Who even owns this?" Dipper asked with a questionable look toward mabel.. mabel stayed silent

"Mine" gideon said waving his hands. Dipper looked disgust and annoyed and looked at mabel again


"im sorry dipper.. call me when you need anything" and mabel just vanish leaving a shock dipper

"Mabel? Mabel? MABEL!!" Dipper tried to stand up but failed. Gideon came but dipper justed glare at him

"He gid, my dad just texted.. i need to go.. if ya need anything call me kay.. bye gideon.. bye dipper"

Pacifica left.. leaving gideon and dipper alone. Dipper just sat there not talking or moving. Gideon looked to his side and saw the soup he made and called dipper

"Hey dipper! Here's some-"

"Im not hungry"

Gideon looked at him with concern and dipper just rolled his eyes. Gideon then placed the soup to the night stand near his bed.

"If you need anything just call ok.."

Dipper justed glared at him and gideon left. Gideon sighed and curse under his breath.

He looked at the mark that mabel gave him. A deal.. dipper must not know.. or it'll be the end of me.


Gideon was at the living room studying for his exams tommorrow when he heard a large fall from above the room. 'Dipper!?" Gideon thought as he rush to his bed room.

When Gideon reach to his room he saw dipper face down to his floor. Gideon got scared and rush over to dipper when he was about to touch dipper, dipper looked at him in rage and slapped gideon's hand away

"Dont touch me!" Dipper wispered but more sounded like a scream. Gideon still held him and dipper tried to push him away when gideon spoke

"Dipper youre hurting! Come on let me help you" dipper looked at him surprise and stayed quiet.

Gideon placed dipper back to his bed and fixed the pillows. Dipper stared at gideon surprised that he was concern about his health.

"Dont push youre self to hard or you wont be able to ever walk" gideon pointed out while fixing his covers.
"Why did you try to get up?" He asked looking at dipper who was still staring at him

Dipper looked away and cough "why does this concern you?" He replyed with such sass. Gideon looked at him once and return fixing the bed

"Because im in charge of taking care of you since yours sicka anx staying at my place" dipper was suprise with such confidence gideon showed. Gideon looked at his night stand and show the soup untouch and probably cold by now

"You.. you didnt eat?" Gideon asked looking at dipper. Dipper gave a sassy look and replyed

"I told you im not-" but was cut off by the sound of his stomach. They both look at each other and gideon laughed. He stood and took the soup.

"Sure youre not.. i'll reheat this for you and i'll be right back..." before he left he looked back at dipper "and try not to do any funny busniess while im gone.. remember youre sick.." and left


Gideon came back with the soup and as he expected dipper was still in bed annoyed. Gideon sat next to him and took a handful and blow it. He then was about to put it in dipper's mouth when dipper stoped him.

"I'll do it.." dipper said.. trying to take the spoon off of gideon's hands

"You sure? I mean i dont mind feeding-" but dipper cut him off

"I think im still compatible to eat on my own dont i?"

Dipper looked disgust and worried about the soup, he took one bite and his eyes was now filled with delight. He took another and few more bites. Gideon looked like a confused puppy watching his owner eat. Dipper looked happy eating

"Do you.. do you like it?" Gideon but out, blushing because he doesnt know what dipper would respond

"Are you kidding? Its amazing!!" Gideon's eyes lit up with joy


"Yeah why?" Dipper said taking another bite of the soup almost finished

"Well.. nobody ever complimented my food before.  Not my parents, friends.. not even pacifica!" Dipper stoped eating and looked at gideon with a shock expression

"Wait..You cook?!"

"Yeah.. is there a problem?"

"No no no no.. it surprised me.. its really good to be honest with you"


After dipper was done. Gideon started cleaning but he really wanted to asked dipper

"Dipper.." gideoon turned to look at dipper

"Um?" Gideon took a deep breath

"Why is your name your weakness?"

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