My Mom and My Memories

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Gideon's POV

I woke up extra early today since i wanted to surprise hubby today. I cant believe he's my boyfriend! I think i look like a fool smiling so widely at the kitchen. The way he blushes when i call him names.. did those flirty things.. wait...

OMIGAWD!!!!! i bend down pulling my hair and blushing hard.. like real HARD



I stood up and looked at the house phone, i fixed myself and brush off my shirt and answered it. Breathing in and out to let go of that drama

"Hello?" I said almost in a husky voice that drama made my voice crack hope not to much

"Gideon?" My eyes widen un shock and i almost had a heart attack


"Yeah its me!!" I smiled and my eyes lit up


Dipper's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chripping. I smiled to myself as i was the happiest man in the world. I turn to my side to see my love, my wife but he isnt there when i smelling his amazing cooking

I went down to see the dinner table filled with amazing food from bacon to ham to eggs to jams to toast to pancakes and beans.. haha made a poem. I saw my joyful wife fixing the table and smiled to me as he saw me

"Morning hubby!" He said full of excitement at his voice. I laughed and sat at the chair and smelled his food. The perfect wife, if only we could make a child...

"Whats the occassion? AM I BE COMING A FATHER?!" He laughed, gis sweet sweet laugh that makes me forget all ive done before

"What no! Unless you want me too" he said it in a seductive way that made me blush. He laughs saying i look cute. While i pout "its just im really happy.. that we're together that i could officail call you..mine"

He's so cute and hot at the same time i could die happily now.. well maybe not now

We ate our big breakfast. He took the dishes while i fix the table. We open the radio to listen some tones as we dance like idiots.

"Hubby!" Gideon said while wishing the dishes

"Um?" He turned around and look at me. I stop what i was doing "yes?"

"I was wondering of you would like to come with me on my brother's birthday this saturday?" I blinked five times consuming the word 'brother' not that im agaisnt it but..

"You have a brother?" I ask curious why or how he has one

"Well.. more like step-brother, my mom's son i guess" he said some how uncomfortable by it. I frown a bit thinking if the idea, gideon notice it and waved his hands "its not like that! Well me and my brother are really close. He even helped me to find a place here at Gravity Falls.." i raised an eyebrow

"So why not bring you with him instead?" I asked some how worried why he didnt live his brother instead

"Well.. my mom doesnt want me.. but hey! My brother's turning 21 and he wanted me to come i couldnt say no to that but i needed your appoval first so i told him i'll think about.. so will you come?" I nod my head in appoval and he screamed in joy. I smile at his cuteness, he went back to cleaning but i was curious about why..



"I was wondering.. i know that both your parents are abusive but i only know from your father's side.. what about your mom's?" He stop what his doing and turned to me sad. I wanted to take it back but he came closer to me and sat down. I sat down too and look at him, waiting for his response. He breath in and out and look at me. His sad eyes

"To be honest.. when i was little i thought i had the perfect family.. my mom and dad love each other. They took care of me and never get me hurt.. well that was before my mom met my step-dad. My mom was a journalist so she was always out of town. My dad caught her cheating for my step-dad. They fought every night, but my dad love her too much they were seperated but they werent divorce. My mom would hurt saying i was the problem. That because i was born and that i exsisted she couldnt live her life. I would cry and ask why she felt that way to me when before we were one big happy family.. but the older i get i soon realise she never love my dad.. every night she would hurt or insult me. That one day she left no letter, no note, no nothing, my dad was devistated.. that that was the reason he.. he rape me.. and i guess its because i look alot like mom.. her white hair, her baby blue eyes, her sweet smile.. my dad loves my mom so much he didnt want me with anyone or he would kill me.. i didnt believe first but when he saw me with greg before when i was 10 he kick.. he hurted and he almost killed me. Thats when i knew how messed up was i"

He was crying and i came closer and hugged him tightly. I run my hand through his hair

"Is this why you wanted me to come with you? To your brother's birthday?" He nods his head slowly and i smiled "dont worry i'll protect you.. now cry as much as you want"

We stayed like that for a few minutes. When he stopped, i wiped his extra tears and kiss his forehead. I look at the clock

"Oh look at the time! Its 9:30.. lets skip school and-" gideon pushed me away and i pout

"Oh hell know.. i dont want a bad record and we already skiped school yesterday.. now get your lazy ass up and take a bath" i pout again and groan over that idea "if you dont stand up from that seat we wont take a bath together" my focus turned to him and i stand up

"We're gonna take a bath together?!" He laughed

"If you want to" he said raising a brow at me

"Oh hell yea!"


Gideon's POV

Im done.. its over!! Where did i took all that confidence from!! Im a nerd, a loser and im saying all this kinky shit at my boyfriend!! I was shaking endlessly when i was removing my clothes. I felt cold hands holding my shoulders

"Nervious?" I turn to see mason

"Who me? Oh no no no no.."

Was i? I dont know!! I could barely be half naked in front of this guy

"Hey if it makes you any better.. im scared too.." i turned to see him beet red. He's right.. i stole a kiss from him in which he just pouted

We then sat at the bath tub taking turns in washing our selves. We both laugh at our sillyness

By the time we got out it was almost lunch time. I looked at mason who was smiling grimingly

"Whats that suppose to mean?" I said pointing to his mouth

"Oh i dont know.. looks like we skiped school again" he said giving me a cheeky smile

"Oh no where going.. now lets go or no dinner from me.. unless you what store-"

"Oh hell nah! Last time i ate those i felt sick! Lets go!!"

I laugh as he ran to the bus stop. I love this guy

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