The War part 2

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As the group were all sperated. Mabel and will. Bill and fredick. And dipper alone. They all try there way back together.

"Bill, as much as i dont trust you are you sure where we're going? I mean-" fredrick asked while looking around. Bill stopped and turned at fredrick pissed

"If you wont shut up i swear i might kill you! And to answer your question, yes i know where im going!" Bill turned back and walked to the foggy forset. They could hear screams and people running. Bill and fredrick rushed to see and saw the town burning

"Gawd.." they both look at each other worried and making bill feel guilty remembering what he did to gravity falls 5 years ago. Until his eyes lit.



"Mabel?!" Will was holding the wounded girl. When they teleported mabel fell to a broken house and got stab. Before Will could heal mabel his eyes lit.

"Will.. whats wrong?" Mabel asked making Will snap back to the brunette. He nods

"Mabel stat here.. i'll find help, ok?" Mabel nods, Will runs searching for bill when he bumps to someone

"Sorry..sorry.. jeff?" The guy who Will bump to looked up at him confused

"Do i know you?" Jeff asked and he got hit. Will look who hit him and saw monsters. Will took jeff and teleported.

They fell in top of someone and he saw pacifica. Pacifica looked scared at first when she saw jeff hurt and rushed to him.

"Love!! Get the first aid kit!!" This love girl came and healed jeff. Pacifica looked at me hurt and confused "Will.. what happened?" She sound like she was about to cry

"Monsters hit him.." i looked down scared of what'll happen ".. and mabel's hurt.." pacifica froze


"Hff.. will'" Fredrick asked as he followed bill who elwas running. The went throught the town. Fredrick looked broken seeinh the people in pain, when bill stop "bill?"

Fredrick looked what bill was looking at and he looks like we was about to have a heart attack.

"Jeff?!" Fredrick ran and bill followed. His friends look like they were visitinh the dead. He saw Will and mabel hurt next to pacifica

"Will? Mabel?! What happen?" Bill came closer and kneel next to mabel. Mabel was lossing blood, he touch here and fixed the wound.

"She hit to a broken house.." Will said

"We're all together now lets find dipper" they all nod


Dipper hears laughing, loud and crazy laughing. He was in a dark yet colorful room full of people, dead people.. he looks around

"Ah gleeful how ya doing?" Dipper looks up and saw greg. He frown, closed his eyes and flew. He looked at greg with bright red eyes.

"HAHAHAHA.. A MORTAL FIGHTING A DEMON... HAHAHAHAHA DONT MAKE ME LAUGH BUT DONT WORRY.. I'LL MAKE IT FAIR.." he smirks a creepy smile and presented a guy who was flowing. He's eyes were pure as white when dipper had full vision he felt like greg stab him by the heart

"Gideon?!" Dipper couldnt breath properly and felt his chest tighting

"NOW LET THE GAMES BEING!!" Gideon frown and hit dipper. Dipper falls and tries to fight back but he couldnt. He looks at the controled white haired boy with worried eyes.

"Gideon!! This isnt you!" Gideon hit him again. And again, dipper was bleeding and wounded. Dipper's eyes start crying

"DO YOU REALLY THINK THOSE TEARS BRING YOU ANY WHERE? HAHAHAHA PATHETIC.. GIDEON! KILL HIM!" gideon nod and held dipper by the chest and pushed him to the wall. He punched and kicked dipper "ANY LAST WORDS?"

"Gideon.. im sorry.. i know i did something wrong.. that i lie.. but remember i love you.. i want you.. and i need you.. if being killed by the one you love is my way to end this.. do it.. but before you do" dipper leans in and kisses gideon. Hr gave him a sincere and passionate kiss, Gideon's eyes widen and returned back to normal. When dipper pulled away "i love you.." gideon's eyes wideon and his chest started hurting. Dipper falls at his arms and he cries. Greg growls and was about to hit dipper when fanuel hit him first

"FANUEL?! HOW DARE YOU IM YOUR MASTER!!" fanuel hit him again and jonah rushed to the couple

"Not any more BITCH!!" he hits greg again but greg was too big and pushed fanuel away. Fanuel spited blood and jonah was worried. Fanuel stopped him and just in time dipper was ok. Bill and the other came too.

They all looked at each other and used all there powers to stop greg.

Greg felt weak with all of them teaming up to stop him. He felt dead seeing the man that used to love him wants him done now

They used all power.. a different kind of power, the power of love. They created the most powerful light hiting greg.

The light also hit the whole town making everything go back the way it is. The group cheered at there success. Greg tried to stand but..

"Where do you think your going?" Gideon said making everyone laugh. And just in time the police came and took greg. Greg looked ashame and ask to talk to them before they leave

"Hey! Gideon.. dipper.. i wanna say.. sorry.."

They nod and forgive him, they all laughed. But invited them to come over to a party before they put greg to jail

"And beforw anything else.. do you mind taking these two for child abuse?" Dipper asked the police making gideon blush and chuckle at them.

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