I Hate You cause I Think I Like You

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Dipper's POV

Its 6am and i hear the shower. I tried to open my eyes seeing little light near the bath room in the room. 'Who wakes up this early?'

I tried to sit up carefully since im not much feeling well because of using my powers. As i sat i froze at the scene i was looking at

"Ah dipper youre awake! I was about to wake you up.." gideon said wiping his hair with a towel. Gideon was half naked with with only wearing a towel. He's white hair was down and as i look to his body i realize he wasnt that fat

"Dip.. are you ok? Why are you staring at me like that?" I turned around and patted my cheeks. And i looked back at him

"I never thought.. you.. had abs.." i slightly blushed and felt frustrated. Gideon just smirk at me. He walked forward and lean in fornt of me.

I was having deep breaths just the idea of gideon in fornt of me is already making me uneasy.. 'calm yourself dip..shh..'

"Like what you see?" He said looking directly to my eyes. My face was on flames. Its like i want to do something. Like should i push him or should i kiss him

"You wanna play rough piggy?" I pulled him closer to me. Almost 3 inches apart. He smirk and i grined

"Not much of a piggy now arent i?" My grin grew wider and he was slightly laughing


The went bang. And in went a talkative blonde and when she saw us it was like she was having a heart attack

"For crying out loud!! Gideon if youre any seconds late im going to- GASP!! OH. MY. GAWD!!" she said holding to her chest and pointing at us. I pushed gideon and he fell, luckily he held tightly to his towel or there was going to be a BIG problem (pun intended, if you dont get it i bless you) "were you too going to kiss?!"

"What?! Oh heck no!" The pacific ocean just kept squeling when i notice gideon standing

"Hays.. ever heard of knocking? What if you saw 'something' what would you do?" I stared at him shocked at his statement

"I'll video the whole thing and pray for babies!!" Both me and gideon had wide eyes and were both blushing. The blonde just smiled

"Hays.. do you mind?" Gideon said lookinh at pacifica, she just tilt her head like a confused puppy

"Im going to change... isnt it obvious?" I was just silent

"Oh right~"

"Stop it and get out.. out!!" Gideon said pushing pacifica out. He turned to me and sighed. He took his clothes and went in the bath room. After he change he walked out. 'He didnt bother to say good bye or anything how rude'


It's been three hours and no calls or texts. And by the way it's a saturday!! I cant believe this guy. Why am i even bothered that he didnt talk to him.. gawd im bored

"Mabel!!!" I scream when blue flames appear and my beautiful

"DIPPER!?" my sister had a bath robe on and the creepest part was that my sister had a green face

"What the- why is your face green?! Are you touching my stuff?!" I was about to sat and slap her when i remembered i couldnt

"What?! Oha heck no.. its a face mask and im in the moment of beautifing..WHEN YOU INTERRUPTED ME!!" She said range in her eyes. I just rolled my eyes

"Why? You have a date?" Pfft... pacifica isnt even here.

"Well.. im asking MY pacifica on a date.. and im excited" i tried to make a serious face but i ended up laughing over the fact my sister has a green face and how DESPARATE she is towards Pacifica. Dont get me wrong she's not that bad.. i mean she bi.. but..

"Ya your girlfriend's out of town with my gideon so cry hard baby" i laugh on how sassy i said that to my sister. She stop and was so mad


"give it a rest.. she gone"

"Oh shut it!" She said wiping all her 'face mask' of her face " and whats with the sass"

"Dunno.. been staying in bed for days.. im bored as-"

"Where did they go?!" She said jumping on the bed while i tried not to be crushed by a 17 year old

"I.. dont know" i said almost looking down.. pfft

"What didnt- OH MI GAWD!!" she held me by the shoulders and look to my eyes with a really.. really.. REALLY big CREEPY smile


"You like GIDEON!!" my jaw just liget fell. Like i cant bring it back

"What oh hell nah!! What made ya that idea!?"

"Um.. quote ya your girlfriend's out of town with MY gideon end quote" she just smile while i try to remember when it hit me

"AAAAAHHHHH!!" i screamed pulling my hair and being red again. This cant be happening!!

"Pfft.. and ya make fun of me cause im into a weirdo while yours is a complete-"

"Dont eveb finish that sentence i SWEAR" i said glaring and pointing at her. She just smiled

"Well.. OH! Look at the time..i should home.. and well" my sister was about to live oh hell nah


"Oh call a friend.. BYE~" she waved and vanish while my jaw was wide open. I closed my jaw and grid my eyebrow.. call a friend but.. who


Gideon's POV

Gawd.. i forgot how much i easily get car sick..BLAH.. i am officail the 'Puke Master' i puked five times in a matter of 5 minutes. Pacifica just patted my back while jonah was complaining my puking

"Ok ok.." jonah stoped the car and went outside and open the car door and looked at me "ay jusko (oh my)"

"Wha-what?!" I asked looking at jonah weirdly. Fredrick handed me a mirror and i saw the most terrible thing in the world..

"Gawd you look like shit.. literally" jeff sided and jonah laughed

"I noticed.." my face was completely pale and i had the most darkest bags under my eyes and i look like a zombie

"Could you still handle it? I mean i dont wanna be rude brah but its a one hour ride till the resort and we're probably out of bags" jonah said pointing to the number of bags ive puke.

"Yeah.. i mean i could still handle it"

"Yeah, maybe he's hunger. Lets eat first!!" Pointing to the diner in fornt. We all agree and was about to go in when someone called

"Yo.. i'll just pick this up. I'll be there in a minute" it was unknown number but i answered it anyway

"Piggy!" That one word left me speechless. Dipper Gleeful

"Why are you callin" i asked sounding annoyed

"Well when the heck are ya comin home. Im gonna strave to death! Besides ya didnt even told me where you were going!" I face plam realizing on how stupid i did

" im going to a resort and..."


"I wont be back in two days?" I force smile to lighten the mood even if it was just a call


"I know.. i know-"

"Yo gid the foods here.. you comin?" I looked at my phone feeling gulity and sighed

"Coming... dip gotta go-"

"What oh hell no im still talking to you!!"

"Dipper i really-"

"I hate you-" i ended the call i need to make up my mind.. but im hungry


Dipper's POV

"I hate you-" he hung up "- i think i like you.." i sighed and look at my phone.. two days? I cant live allow.. well not like this but.. do i?

The more you Hate, The more you Die (Reverse Falls) COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now