I'm not Cute, You're Cute

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"Youre adorable dipper gleeful"

Those simple words affected dipper too much that he could sleep at all.. what did that mean? Does that mean anything? Why did he say that? Does he like me? There were to many questions but so little time

"Why am i even affected by that! Pff.. that didnt even mean anything! Besides.. im not cute, youre cute!" Dipper said covering his mouth making him blush. "Why am i even blushing.. i hate the guy.."


Gideon woke up rather early today. He cooked bacon with eggs and waffles. After cooking he set the meal and went up to his room as he open the door and went to place the food at the night stand when he almost drop the tray seeing dippers dark bags

"Dipper?! What happen? Didnt you have enough-" dipper cut him off by pulling him closer almost 3 inchs apart. Gideon felt uneasy "d-dipper? Whats the matter..?"


"Huh? Dipper what are you saying?"

"Why did you compliment me?!"

Gideon froze and looked directly at dipper and seeing his baggy eyes and started laughing, laughing real hard. Dipper looked confused

"What are you laughing about?!"

"You" gideon pointed a finger to him

"Me?" Looking at the white haired boy like he was a piece of joke

"You didnt sleep well just because i compilmented you! Well.. You compilmented me.. besides i bet every girl in town compilmented you" gideon just laugh making dipper blush. Not because he was embarrass or what he said but because of gideon's laugh

Gideon stopped and had a concern look. He lean forward making dipper uneasy, and making him have deep breaths. He held his forehead. Dipper just froze

"Are you having a fever? Youre all red? And your also hot!" With that double meaning dipper turn more red. Gideon got worried and checked dipper if he had a cold

"If youre sick i need to stay and take care of you" dippers eyes blink and grin. He made a fake cough and looked at gideon with tried eyes..

"I didnt feel well when i woke up.. cough.. cough" gideon held dipper's facing making the pale boy into a red coloured.

"No wonder you have baggy eyes.. i'll just call my friend and say i wont go now and get some medicine so stay here"

Dipper rolled his eyes as gideon left. But as gideon was gone, dipper covered his face with his covers and started ti blush. 'Why am i even feeling this way.. that stupid pig'

Gideon came back with the medicine. He sat by the bed and took a sponge bath. Gideon held dippers clothes, dipper had no knowledge when realize what was gideon going to do

"Whhat do you think youre doing?!" Dipper said holding his shirt and is trying to hide his face.

"Removing your shirt?" Gideon said confidently with one of his eyebrow rise up and dipper blushing

"Wha-wha-WHAT?!..ARE..ARE YOU.. ARE YOU CRAZY?!" dippers face toi red. Gideon laughed and held his face

"Stupid.. im doing a sponge bath, since youre sick besides you need to change your shirt.. thats been 3 days old by the way" gideon shoot

"But i dont have any other clothes" gideon just took the sponge bath and check the water

"I'll leand you some of mine.. now take yours off" dipper just gave a wide eye and took his shirt slowly

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