Expect the Unexpected

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Dipper's POV

Ok hugging my boo is fine, talking to him is fine, touchinh him.. maybe BUT KISSING HIM I'LL KILL YOU! yeah, yeah, my wife and this "Greg" had history but hey isnt obvious im here. I pulled my wife closer to me and this guy even got mad saying who i was and what right i have

"Im his boyfriend" i said proudly and i feel like i won the lottery, why?, cause the guy's face looks like he was shot! And its amazing.

"My brother's boyfriend?! Well nice to meet you" i turn to my right and saw a brunete guy. He was good looking but nothing like my boo

"You must be Carlos.. nice to meet ya" i said shaking his hand

"Thats right and you are?"

"Dipper, Dipper Gleeful" i looked to my right and stare at the blonde "and you?" I said looking at him

"Greg, Greg Mitchell" he have his hand and i turned back to carlos. Greg looked embarassed and im glad he is.. stealing my wife

"So how long are you and my brother! Giddy, you didnt even told me when i called!" He said looking both of us i smiled widely, while my wife was smiling awkwardly

"Well we just got together so not so long.." i said confidently taking glances at the blonde

"Ohh.. but giddy why didnt you tell me!! Look i embarassed greggy here thinking you'll be together" gideon's eyes widen and im laughing so loud he got more embarassed

"What no!! Im not.. embarassed" riigght~

"Im really sorry carl.. i totally forgot to tell you~" carlos laughed and drag him with him. I nod and let gideon have time with his brother

I looked back at greg and saw him take a deep breath and felt a different aura coming, he opens his eyes and glares at me. He takes ne by the collar and drag me to the corner of the house. He looks at me, rage at his eyes

"You think your so speical huh" he said with a mocking said. I didnt like this kind of attitude and pushed him away.

"What do you think your doing?!" Now im mad. He pushed at the wall again, i groan in pain

"Taking whats mine!" I looked at his eyes, he was mad

"And what! Its not like he likes you anymore!!" He pushed me harder

"Thats were youre wrong! Im take him away from you and i'll do it" i cant take this, i sighed and pushed the boy, he's barely strong

"As if.. are you that obessed with my gideon that you couldnt move on.. he doesnt like you anymore" he turned to push me again but i turned him around making me the one who's pushing him.

He tried to move me away, but i let him go anyway. I dont time with this. There's more things i need to worry about. I fixed myself and glare at him one last time and went to find my wife. This is his fault for being to hot and cute.. first his dad, then jeff, then this guy..


Gideon's POV

I turned around seeing that i was drag away from my hubby, not that im worried but i was. I looked at my brother, he was so happy. And im so happy. He introduce me to some of his friend. When we stop to a group of people. He looks happy..

"Giddy this is my gang!" I look to six people. And carlos went and introduce me to them. First was a girl named Forest she has pink hair and was bubbly she reminds me of Love not only cause of the personality but also of the unique name style. Next was a brunete guy with so highlights his name was Joseph and he was this quiet but a sassy sweet guy just like Fredrick next was a girl named Alice an asian and funny mother just like jonah. Then he shows me Abbey his girlfriend and they used to be like siblings just like pasifica and me but we're related. Then a guy named Bryan the bully of the group just like Jeff and another guy Chris. Carlos didnt say much but they look really close.. too close id say

Carlos left me with them while he goes and takes pictures. I sat next to Forest. She looks at me and pinch my cheeks. She laughs

"Aww.. youre so cute!! Look guys this little guy's SOO ADORABLE" she said in a baby voice still pinching my cheecks i pout

"Im not a kid! Im 17!" I said almost in a childish voice made her laugh

"Yeah..17.. "

"I am!" Thats when mason came and hugs me in front of them. Forset smirk and mason said how worried he is. I just blushed

"Hi there! Im Forset! Gideon's brother's best friend.. you?" She said in a smirking way. I glare at him signing not to tell but i was too late cause he already talked

"Dipper Gleeful, his boyfriend" he sounds so confident! Forest starts screaming like a dying whale

"You guys are just like Ch-" Chris came covering her mouth and glares at here.

"Im sorry for my friend.. she's-" he did one good look "-crazy" the other laugh and lets Fores go and she pouts definatelly Love

"Thats ok.. im Forest? Cool name" mason said making Forest look at chris and points at him

"Ha! See im cool!" He crosses his arm and stuck a tongue out

"Youre name not you" we all laugh at her. Mason then was asked questions about us so i went to my brother who was by the buffet table

"You kay bro?" I said taking a pastery. I look at him blushing and staring at chris "you and chris something?"

"Yeah..." he then snap out of daydreaming and i was waiting for an answer. "Ok, ok.. me amd chris bout like each other.. but me and abbey are together.." i finishedy pastery and turn my attention to him

"So whats your heart saying?"

"I love chris.."

"Than do what you have to do.." he nods his head and took me, chris, abbey and love out. I took mason with me.

Carlos looks down the ground holding abbey's hand. Abbey looked confused and i was holding mason's hand tightly. Im scared what would happen.

"Abbey.. i need to tell you something.." carlos looks up

"Ok.. carlos?"

"No matter what happen.. remember you really mean the world to me.." abbey looked worried. I held mason's hand tighter. Mason looks calm

"Carlos whats wrong? Youre scaring me.. are you breaking up with me?" carlos let go of abbey's hands and held chris' hand. They both blush

"To be honest.. im inlove with chris.. im sorry i had to hide this" abbey's eyes widen and she smiled and held Forset's hand

"Well to be fair... the same woth me and Forest here.." forset blushed and she kissed her hand. My mouth drop and i was surprise

"I didnt expect that!" I announced

"Really wifey? Are you that clueless.." i turned to look at hubby

"You knew?!"

"Well, its obvious.. earlier i was eyeing your brother he seemes to be staring at chris and forest keeps blushing when abbey here laughs or smile" my mouth just fell, literally

"No wonder you look so calm!"

"Yeah, and the grip babe was so hard i think i lose blood there" they all laughed even me. Well sureaybe they expected that but even thou.. its not everyday you have this..

Carlos held chris' face and lean forward. Chris blushed feeling uneasy when carlos kissed him. We all awed



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